Photo: UPS Logo (© UPS)

UPS takes over German Frigo-Trans and BPL

Photo: UPS Logo (© UPS)
10. Septem­ber 2024

Atlanta/ Düsseldorf/ — UPS (NYSE: UPS) announ­ced the acqui­si­tion of Frigo-Trans and its sister company BPL (coll­ec­tively “Frigo-Trans”), indus­­try-leading provi­ders of complex health­care logi­stics based in Germany.
Once the acqui­si­tion is fina­li­zed, UPS will enhance its end-to-end capa­bi­li­ties across Europe for UPS Health­care custo­mers who incre­asingly require tempe­ra­­ture-sensi­­tive and time-sensi­­tive logistics.
“Rapid inno­va­tion in the phar­maceu­ti­cal indus­try is crea­ting the need for more inte­gra­ted refri­ge­ra­ted and frozen supply chains,” said Kate Gutmann, EVP and Presi­dent of Inter­na­tio­nal, Health­care and Supply Chain Solu­ti­ons at UPS.
“Frigo-Trans will help deepen our port­fo­lio of solu­ti­ons for our custo­mers and acce­le­rate our jour­ney to become the global leader in complex health­care logi­stics to meet their needs.”
Frigo-Trans’ network includes a tempe­ra­­ture-control­­led warehouse cove­ring six tempe­ra­ture zones from cryo­p­re­ser­va­tion (-196°C) to ambi­ent (+15° to +25°C), a pan-Euro­­pean cold chain trans­por­ta­tion solu­tion and tempe­ra­­ture-control­­led and time-criti­­cal freight forwar­ding services.
The tran­sac­tion is expec­ted to close in the first quar­ter of 2025, subject to custo­mary regu­la­tory reviews and approvals.
The value and terms of the tran­sac­tion will not be disc­lo­sed at this time. About Frigo-Trans Frigo-Trans provi­des a compre­hen­sive warehousing and trans­por­ta­tion solu­tion for phar­maceu­ti­cal and biotech customers.
Frigo-Trans utili­zes world-class distri­bu­tion faci­li­ties and a phar­­macy-focu­­sed, pan-Euro­­pean cold chain trans­por­ta­tion network.
Other value-added services include pack­a­ging, hand­ling and inven­tory management.
The Frigo-Trans network is head­quar­te­red in Fußgön­heim, Germany and covers all Euro­pean count­ries. About BPL BPL offers custo­mi­zed trans­port manage­ment for GDP-compli­­ant ship­ping of time-criti­­cal and tempe­ra­­ture-sensi­­tive products.
BPL mana­ges a high-quality network of air and sea freight carri­ers and hand­les customs clearance to meet custo­mers’ complex cross-border requirements.
Tempe­ra­­ture-control­­led pack­a­ging is an addi­tio­nal value-added service.
BPL prima­rily caters to biopharma custo­mers with speci­fic tempe­ra­ture, quality and speed requirements.
BPL is head­quar­te­red in Düssel­dorf, Germany. About UPS UPS (NYSE: UPS) is one of the world’s largest compa­nies, with reve­nues of $91.0 billion in 2023, provi­ding a broad range of inte­gra­ted logi­stics solu­ti­ons to custo­mers in more than 200 count­ries and territories.
The company’s appro­xi­m­ately 500,000 employees pursue a stra­tegy that is simply formu­la­ted and powerfully imple­men­ted: “Moving our world forward by deli­ve­ring what matters”: Custo­mer first.
People led.
Inno­va­tion driven.
UPS is commit­ted to redu­cing its impact on the envi­ron­ment and support­ing the commu­ni­ties we serve around the world.
UPS is also a tire­less advo­cate for diver­sity, equa­lity and inclusion.
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