Photo: The METYCLE founders from left: Rafael Suchan and Sebastian Brenner (© METYCLE)

2150 leads Series A for € 14.1 million for metal recycler METYCLE

Photo: The METYCLE foun­ders from left: Rafael Suchan and Sebas­tian Bren­ner (© METYCLE)
12. March 2025

Colo­gne — The Colo­­gne-based startup METYCLE, a digi­tal plat­form for the inter­na­tio­nal trade in secon­dary metals, has successfully comple­ted a Series A finan­cing round of 14.1 million euros. The finan­cing round was led by 2150, with parti­ci­pa­tion from DFF Ventures, Market One Capi­tal, Partech and Project A. The capi­tal will be used to further deve­lop the AI infra­struc­ture in order to make recy­cling proces­ses more effi­ci­ent, sustainable and transparent. 

The funding under the leader­ship of 2150 enables the expan­sion of AI-supported sort­ing tech­no­logy, which increa­ses recy­cling rates, shor­tens trade routes and redu­ces CO₂ emissions.

AI-supported plat­form for sustainable metal recycling

METYCLE has set itself the task of revo­lu­tio­ni­zing the inter­na­tio­nal trade in recy­cled metals. Using AI-driven sort­ing tech­no­logy, the company iden­ti­fies the chemi­cal and physi­cal proper­ties of scrap metals in real time. This enables precise mate­rial sepa­ra­tion, redu­ces manual labor and lowers CO₂ emissions. 

“Metal recy­cling is important for the tran­si­tion to a carbon-neutral economy. Our approach not only saves resour­ces, but also redu­ces CO₂ emis­si­ons by up to 95% compared to primary metal produc­tion,” says Sebas­tian Bren­ner, co-foun­­der of METYCLE.

Foun­ded in 2022 by Rafael Suchan and Sebas­tian Bren­ner (photo), METYCLE combi­nes indus­try expe­ri­ence with modern tech­no­logy. The plat­form covers the entire retail process, from quality assu­rance to logi­stics and payment processing. 

Growing demand and chal­lenges in the market

The global demand for recy­cled metals is incre­asing as more and more compa­nies and count­ries want to achieve their sustaina­bi­lity goals. The EU has set clear recy­cling quotas, but the supply of high-quality scrap metal remains limi­ted. Accor­ding to fore­casts, there could be a short­fall of 15 million tons by 2030. “Rafael and Sebas­tian have crea­ted a plat­form that is driving urban mining and rede­fi­ning the secon­dary metals trade,” explains Rahul Parekh, Part­ner at 2150. 

This is where METYCLE comes in with its Smart Sort­ing Hubs, which opti­mize local trade routes. Instead of costly trans­por­ta­tion to central reloa­ding points, the recy­cled mate­rial is proces­sed and traded in the region where­ver possible. 

Over 2150

We support tech­no­logy entre­pre­neurs who are reim­agi­ning and inno­vat­ing the urban stack. We help build compa­nies that are chan­ging the way our cities are desi­gned, built and powered forever. 

The hunt for giga­corns — the tech­no­logy cham­pi­ons of the coming deca­des, with the poten­tial to help billi­ons of people, create billi­ons in commer­cial value and reduce giga­tons of emis­si­ons. 2150 is part of Stadt­part­ner, a plat­form for visio­nary, diffe­ren­tia­ted invest­ment stra­te­gies focu­sed on solving urban problems. 2150 is part of Stadt­part­ner, a plat­form for visio­nary, diffe­ren­tia­ted invest­ment stra­te­gies focu­sed on solving urban problems.

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