Photo: Dr. Patrick Kaffiné, lawyer and partner at Gleiss Lutz in Frankfurt a. M.

Gleiss Lutz advises medatixx on acquisition of Softland

Photo: Dr. Patrick Kaffiné, lawyer and part­ner at Gleiss Lutz in Frank­furt a. M.
10. April 2022

Frank­furt a. M. — meda­tixx GmbH & Co KG (Eltville and Bamberg), a company of the Merckle Group, has acqui­red all shares of Soft­land GmbH. Soft­land will operate as a subsi­diary of meda­tixx in the future. Meda­tixx has more than 700 employees and offers soft­ware solu­ti­ons for medi­cal prac­ti­ces, MVZs and outpa­ti­ent clinics as well as rela­ted services.

Soft­land, based in Magde­burg, Leip­zig and Borna, has been active in the field of prac­tice soft­ware for physi­ci­ans in private prac­tice since 1992 and distri­bu­tes the prac­tice soft­ware “Elaphe Longis­sima” (EL). The inte­gra­tion of Soft­land into meda­tixx enables EL users to access the wide range of products and services offe­red by meda­tixx and guaran­tees them the up-to-date tech­no­lo­gi­cal deve­lo­p­ment of the prac­tice program.

Advi­sor meda­tixx: Gleiss Lutz
Dr. Patrick Kaffiné, photo (Lead, Part­ner), Dr. Maxi­mi­lian Hirsch, Maxi­mi­lian Leisen­hei­mer (all M&A), Dr. Ocka Stumm (Part­ner, Tax, all Frank­furt), Dr. Matthias Werner (Coun­sel), Dr. Theresa Uhlen­hut (both IP/IT, Munich), Dr. Jens Günther (Part­ner, Munich), Dr. Tobias Abend (Coun­sel, Frank­furt), Dr. Matthias Bögl­mül­ler (Munich, all Labor Law), Dr. Birgit Colbus (Coun­sel, Anti­trust Law, Frank­furt), Simon Wegmann (Data Protec­tion Law), Dr. Enno Burk (Coun­sel, Health­care, both Berlin), Dr. Jacob von Andreae (Part­ner, Public Law, Düsseldorf).

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