
Berlin — The HBSN group beco­mes part of ]init[ AG. With the acqui­si­tion of the HBSN group, a specia­list for digi­tal trans­for­ma­tion in the health­care indus­try, ]init[ is expan­ding its holi­stic port­fo­lio for end-to-end digi­tiza­tion beyond the public sector into the health­care indus­try. The acqui­si­tion crea­tes a leading digi­tal specia­list with more than 1,500 employees at 18 loca­ti­ons. Both parties have agreed not to disc­lose the purchase price. 

Over the past 18 years, the HBSN Group has deve­lo­ped into a successful consul­ting and tech­no­logy part­ner in the health­care market. The HBSN Group includes HBSN GmbH with its subsi­dia­ries HBSN Certi­fi­ca­ti­ons GmbH in Germany and xitee k.s. and xitee Betei­li­gungs s.r.o. in the Czech Repu­blic. The compa­nies support univer­sity clinics and hospi­tals, private and statu­tory health insu­rance compa­nies, medi­cal services, the public health service of the fede­ral states and IT system houses in soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment, IT opera­ti­ons and trans­for­ma­tion projects. Around 150 perma­nent employees and an estab­lished network of part­ners work at the HBSN Group’s loca­ti­ons in Bad Hers­feld, Braun­schweig, Brno, Hamburg, Horn­burg, Frank­furt am Main, Leip­zig, Lüne­burg, Munich and Prague. 

init[ AG for digi­tal commu­ni­ca­tion is an expert in digi­ta­liza­tion in the public sector and regu­la­ted indus­tries. Foun­ded in 1995, the company employs around 1,400 people in Berlin, Hamburg, Colo­gne, Leip­zig, Munich and Mainz. 

Advi­sor HBSN Group: POELLATH provi­ded legal and tax advice on the tran­sac­tion throug­hout the entire project with the follo­wing cross-loca­tion team:

Jens Hörmann (Part­ner, Lead, M&A, Munich)
Dr. Katha­rina Hemmen, LL.M. (Part­ner, Private Client, Frankfurt)
Gerald Herr­mann (Asso­cia­ted Part­ner, Tax Law, Munich)
Alex­an­der Pfef­fer­ler (Coun­sel, M&A, Munich)
Dr. Andreas Reuther (Asso­cia­ted Part­ner, Employ­ment Law, Munich)
Sebas­tian Pasch (Asso­cia­ted Part­ner, Real Estate Law, Berlin)
Daniel Wied­mann, LL.M. (NYU) (Asso­cia­ted Part­ner, Anti­trust Law, Frankfurt)
Chris­tine Funk, LL.M., (Coun­sel, IP/IT, Frank­furt aM)
Dr. Marcel Duplois (Coun­sel, Private Client, Frankfurt)
Ksenia Marchenko (Asso­ciate, M&A, Munich)
Jannis Lührs (Asso­ciate, Tax Law, Munich)
Hanno Dassel (Asso­ciate, Private Client, Berlin)

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