Photo: Tommy Oehl, Co-Founder and General Partner of vsquared ventures (©vsquared ventures)

DeepTech: Vsquared Ventures raises €214m for 2nd fund

Photo: Tommy Oehl, Co-Foun­der and Gene­ral Part­ner of vsquared ventures (©vsquared ventures)
18. June 2024

Berlin, June 2024 — Vsquared Ventures, a Euro­pean early-stage deep tech venture capi­tal fund, raises €214 million, signi­fi­cantly excee­ding its origi­nal target of €165 million. YPOG provi­ded compre­hen­sive legal advice to Vsquared Ventures on the final closing of its current fund, Vsquared Ventures II.

This makes it the largest early-stage deep tech fund in Europe to date. With the final closing of Vsquared Ventures II, the total assets mana­ged by Vsquared Ventures increase to around €450 million.

Vsquared Ventures invests in start-ups that build compa­nies with inno­va­tive tech­no­lo­gies and create new markets. The fund has a strong focus on promo­ting a sustainable Euro­pean deep tech ecosys­tem. Vsquared Ventures targets compa­nies in the fields of AI & next-gen soft­ware, energy trans­for­ma­tion, new compu­ting and sensor tech­no­logy, new space, robo­tics and manu­fac­tu­ring, and tech-bio.
With Vsquared Ventures II, Vsquared Ventures has alre­ady inves­ted in eight tech start-ups, inclu­ding Neura Robo­tics, Cylib, Quan­tune, Atrandi, Dynelec­tro, Lace Litho­gra­phy, ConstellR and Synthara.

The fund is supported by a large number of inves­tors, inclu­ding insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors and family offices. Inves­tors include Novo Holdings, Lombard Odier Invest­ment Mana­gers, the NATO Inno­va­tion Fund (NIF), KfW Capi­tal, the Growth Fund and the Euro­pean Invest­ment Fund (EIF).

Advi­sor Vsquared Ventures: YPOG
Jens Kretzschmann’s team has been advi­sing Vsquared Ventures on legal and tax matters since its foun­da­tion. Team:
Jens Kretz­schmann, (Lead, Funds), Part­ner, Berlin Dr. Helder Schnitt­ker (Tax), Part­ner, Berlin
Dr. Sebas­tian Schödel (Funds), Part­ner, Colo­gne Michael Blank (Funds), Senior Asso­ciate, Berlin Stefa­nie Nagel (Funds), Senior Asso­ciate, Berlin Johan­nes Gehring (Funds), Asso­ciate, Berlin Florian Thrun (Funds), Asso­ciate, Cologne
Sylwia Luszcek (Funds), Senior Legal Project Mana­ger, Berlin

About Vsquared Ventures

Vsquared Ventures is a tech­­no­­logy-focu­­sed early-stage inves­tor based in Munich. Supported by pionee­ring entre­pre­neurs and tech­no­logy indus­try experts, they are crea­ting a streng­thening ecosys­tem to provide inter­di­sci­pli­nary know­ledge and access to those who are inven­ting the future, and to coll­ec­tively take their compa­nies to the next level of deve­lo­p­ment. Areas of focus include New Space, Quan­tum Compu­ting, New Mate­ri­als, AI, Robo­tics and Enter­prise SaaS.


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