Photo: Silvio McMiken, Counsel at Goodwin Law in Munich (Photo © Goodwin)

Goodwin supports Kipu Quantum in the acquisition of the PlanQK platform

Photo: Silvio McMi­ken, Coun­sel at Good­win Law in Munich (Photo © Goodwin)
4. August 2024

Munich — A Munich-based team of the global law firm Good­win has advi­sed Kipu Quan­tum GmbH (“Kipu”) on the stra­te­gic acqui­si­tion of the PlanQK plat­form for quan­tum appli­ca­ti­ons from Anaqor AG.
The PlanQK plat­form makes quan­tum compu­ting acces­si­ble in various sectors and serves a broad range of users from leading compa­nies such as BASF, DB Systel GmbH, T‑LABS and TRUMPF.
The bund­ling of compe­ten­cies of Kipu Quan­tum and PlanQK will signi­fi­cantly simplify the connec­tion of quan­tum compu­ting in various sectors such as the phar­maceu­ti­cal, chemi­cal, logi­stics and finan­cial indus­tries, thus enab­ling an early quan­tum advantage.
Kipu Quan­tum is a German company deve­lo­ping ground­brea­king, appli­­­ca­­tion- and hard­­ware-speci­­fic quan­tum algo­rithms for a variety of industries.
PlanQK is an open, commu­­nity-based plat­form for quan­tum applications.
With 30 successfully proven use cases and more than 100 part­ners, PlanQK is a pioneer in the field of quan­tum platforms.
PlanQK was initia­ted in 2019, conti­nuously deve­lo­ped toge­ther with leading univer­si­ties and compa­nies and supported as a light­house project by the German govern­ment. Advi­sor Kipu Quan­tum: Good­win LLP Corporate/Private Equity: Silvio McMi­ken (Counsel/ Photo), Florian Hirsch­mann (Part­ner, both lead), Tobias Schulz (Asso­ciate, Munich) Tax: Oded Schein (Part­ner), Phil­ipp Lauer (Asso­ciate, Munich) 

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