Photo: Miriam Steets, Partner at Willkie Farr & Gallagher in Munich (Photo: Willkie)

Willkie advises Insight Partners on USD 54 million Series B in Qualifyze

Photo: Miriam Steets, Part­ner at Will­kie Farr & Gallag­her in Munich (Photo: Willkie)
17. Septem­ber 2024

Frank­furt a. M. — Will­kie Farr & Gallag­her LLP has advi­sed Insight Part­ners on the $54 million Series B finan­cing round of Quali­f­yze GmbH (“Quali­f­yze”) with parti­ci­pa­tion of exis­ting inves­tors HV Capi­tal, Harbour­Vest Part­ners, H14 and Cherry Ventures. Quali­f­yze, based in Frank­furt am Main, opera­tes an inte­gra­ted audit manage­ment plat­form that simpli­fies compli­ance audits for life scien­ces compa­nies and serves over 1,200 phar­maceu­ti­cal and health­care compa­nies worldwide.
The plat­form provi­des a centra­li­zed system to manage all aspects of audits and ensu­res the highest quality and compli­ance stan­dards for clients across the indus­try. Insight Part­ners is a global soft­ware inves­tor that part­ners with high-growth tech­no­logy, soft­ware and inter­net start­ups and scale-up compa­nies that are driving trans­for­ma­tive change in their industries.
Insight Part­ners has inves­ted in more than 800 compa­nies globally and had over $80 billion in regu­la­tory assets under manage­ment as of Decem­ber 31, 2023.
Will­kie advi­sed on all aspects of the tran­sac­tion, KNPZ Rechts­an­wälte advi­sed on IP, IT and data protec­tion issues Advi­sors on the tran­sac­tion: Will­kie Farr & Gallag­her LLP The Will­kie team was led by part­ner Miriam Steets (Corporate/M&A/Venture Capi­tal, Munich) and included part­ners Matthew Haddad (Corporate/M&A/Venture Capi­tal, New York), Dr. Patrick Meiisel (Tax, Frank­furt) and Andrew Silber­stein (Tax, New York), coun­sel Wulf Kring (Tax, Frank­furt) and Martin Waskow­ski (Employ­ment, Frank­furt) as well as asso­cia­tes Denise Kamme­rer (Frank­furt), David Strät­ling (Munich), Marie Moel­le­ring (Frank­furt), Luca Fuhr­mann (Frank­furt), Nils Hörnig (Munich) (all Corporate/M&A), Sascha Wink­ler (Employ­ment, Frank­furt), Dr. Laurin Havlik (Compli­ance, Munich) and Marcel Seemaier (Tax, Frankfurt).
About Will­kie Farr & Gallag­her LLP Will­kie Farr & Gallag­her LLP provi­des leading legal solu­ti­ons to complex, busi­­ness-criti­­cal issues that span markets and industries.
Our appro­xi­m­ately 1,200 lawy­ers in 15 offices world­wide provide inno­va­tive, prag­ma­tic and sophisti­ca­ted legal services in appro­xi­m­ately 45 prac­tice areas.
Find out more at The KNPZ team compri­sed part­ner Dr. Kai-Uwe Plath as well as senior asso­cia­tes Matthias Struck and Jan Schä­fer and asso­cia­tes Moritz Schmitz and Julius Hilde­brandt (all Hamburg).

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