Photo: Markus Rieß , CEO of the Ergo Group in Munich (Photo © Ergo)

Ergo enters US insurance market with acquisition of Next Insurance

Photo: Markus Rieß , CEO of the Ergo Group in Munich (Photo © Ergo)
21. March 2025
Munich - Ergo is entering the US insurance market with the acquisition of digital insurer Next Insurance. The purchase price for 100 percent of the shares in Next Insurance is around USD 2.6 billion. Ergo and Munich Re have already held a stake in Next since 2017. Ergo currently holds around 29% of the shares. - As a result of the acquisition, the company is expected to contribute a profit in the triple-digit million USD range to the Group's net result in the medium term, subject to regulatory approvals, and the transaction is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2025. The Munich Re subsidiary will thus secure access to a market worth billions for small and medium-sized companies.

A new market

With this acqui­si­tion, Ergo is ente­ring the US market for busi­ness insu­rance and is focu­sing on small and medium-sized enter­pri­ses (SMEs). “The acqui­si­tion of Next Insu­rance is an important step for Ergo. The US market offers great poten­tial, and the digi­ta­liza­tion of Next Insu­rance will enable us to serve it effi­ci­ently,” says Markus Rieß (photo © Ergo), CEO of the Ergo Group.

Next Insu­rance also sees advan­ta­ges in the take­over. “We have shaped the US SME insu­rance market with digi­tal insu­rance solu­ti­ons. The inte­gra­tion with Ergo and Munich Re gives us the oppor­tu­nity to further deve­lop our offe­ring and reach more custo­mers,” says Guy Gold­stein, CEO of Next Insurance. 

The need for insu­rance in the USA

There are more than 30 million small busi­nesses in the USA, which account for 99% of all compa­nies and gene­rate 44% of the US gross dome­stic product (GDP). Many of these busi­nesses are inade­qua­tely insu­red: around 75 percent do not have suffi­ci­ent protec­tion. The market for SME insu­rance is esti­ma­ted to be worth around 175 billion US dollars. 

Next Insu­rance is a rela­tively young company. The insurer was foun­ded in 2016, is based in Palo Alto, Cali­for­nia and curr­ently has around 700 employees. The company offers digi­tal insu­rance solu­ti­ons, inclu­ding public liabi­lity and acci­dent insu­rance. In 2024, it gene­ra­ted a turno­ver of USD 548 million and serves more than 600,000 customers. 

Consul­tant Next Insurance:

Ardea Part­ners LP, Gold­man Sachs & Co. LLC and J.P. Morgan Secu­ri­ties LLC also supported Next Insu­rance, with Latham & Watkins LLP as legal counsel.

Advi­sors to Ergo and Munich Re:
Kirk­land & Ellis LLP, Barnea Jaffa Lande & Co., Bain & Company, Inc. and Morgan Stan­ley & Co. LLC.

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