
Impact investments — next steps on the impact journey


Inves­t­ing with IMPACT is an important goal for many inves­tors. Howe­ver, the devil is in the detail and many ques­ti­ons remain unans­we­red. In a white paper (Busch et al., 2023), we have ther­e­fore propo­sed 18 prin­ci­ples for measu­ring the impact of impact invest­ments. The prin­ci­ples are the first answers on how to measure and evaluate the impact of invest­ments. This article provi­des an exclu­sive insight into the updated version and summa­ri­zes the key argu­ments and recom­men­da­ti­ons for action. 

Accor­ding to the Global Sustainable Invest­ment Alli­ance (2023), up to 33% of profes­sio­nally mana­ged assets world­wide now include envi­ron­men­tal, social and gover­nance (ESG) aspects in their invest­ment proces­ses. Howe­ver, this figure should not be viewed uncri­ti­cally, espe­ci­ally when it comes to whether these inves­ted funds also contri­bute to actual impro­ve­ments in the real economy. This is precis­ely the aim of so-called impact invest­ments, which are attrac­ting incre­asing atten­tion. Howe­ver, many ques­ti­ons remain unans­we­red that are of great importance to both investors1 and clients: Is there only one or seve­ral types of impact investing? 

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