Photo: Andrew Whiting from Partech in NewYork/ USA (© Partech)

Partech invests € 25 million in wealth tech scale-up QPLIX

Photo: Andrew Whiting from Partech in NewYork/ USA (© Partech)
10. Decem­ber 2024

Munich/ Berlin — YPOG has provi­ded compre­hen­sive legal advice to global tech invest­ment fund Partech on its invest­ment of over €25 million in QPLIX, a foun­­der-led wealth tech company and leader in
wealth manage­ment soft­ware for family offices and private banks. This
stra­te­gic invest­ment was made through Partech’s Growth Fund and will support
QPLIX’s growth objec­ti­ves and help to realize its inter­na­tio­nal expan­sion plans. The invest­ment posi­ti­ons Partech as an inves­tor along­side Deut­sche Bank, with both jointly holding a
mino­rity stake in the company. This part­ner­ship, which builds on Partech’s exper­tise in scaling inter­na­tio­nal soft­ware busi­nesses, will streng­then QPLIX’s expan­sion into key markets inclu­ding France, Switz­er­land, the UK, the Middle East and the APAC region. Kai Linde of QPLIX GmbH said: “Partech’s global network and exten­sive exper­tise make them an ideal part­ner for our vision of inter­na­tio­nal market leader­ship in the wealth tech sector. With Partech and Deut­sche Bank, we are ideally posi­tio­ned to enter new markets.” Andrew Whiting of Partech (photo: Partech) explains: “QPLIX sets the gold stan­dard for family offices and private banks, parti­cu­larly through its exper­tise in illi­quid assets and the highest secu­rity stan­dards. We look forward to support­ing QPLIX in acce­le­ra­ting their invest­ments in new markets and further expan­ding the plat­form.” This invest­ment marks another signi­fi­cant mile­stone in QPLIX’s successful journey.
Frank Schrie­ver, Vice Chair­man of Deut­sche Bank Private Bank, commen­ted: “With the
inter­na­tio­nal expan­sion of QPLIX, new oppor­tu­ni­ties and services are also opening up for our
clients.” QPLIX’s deep under­stan­ding of client needs and commit­ment to high quality
products has earned the company a strong repu­ta­tion in the market­place. The company’s advanced
wealth manage­ment soft­ware inte­gra­tes all asset clas­ses, provi­des powerful
analy­ti­cal tools and enables highly custo­mizable report­ing. This invest­ment will enable QPLIX to conti­nue to provide compre­hen­sive wealth manage­ment solu­ti­ons for its clients. 

Advi­sor Partech: YPOG

Dr. Tim Schlös­ser (Lead, Transactions/Corporate), Part­ner, Berlin
Barbara Hasse (Transactions/Corporate), Senior Asso­ciate, Berlin
Cyra Ditt­ber­ner (Transactions/Corporate), Asso­ciate, Munich
Dr. Bene­dikt Flöter (IP/IT), Asso­cia­ted Part­ner, Berlin
Dr. Chris­toph Cordes (IP/IT), Asso­ciate, Berlin
Char­lotte Petrasch (IP/IT), Asso­ciate, Berlin About Partech

Partech is a global tech invest­ment firm head­quar­te­red in Paris with offices in Berlin, Dakar, Dubai, Nairobi and San Fran­cisco. Partech combi­nes capi­tal, opera­tio­nal expe­ri­ence and stra­te­gic support to nurture entre­pre­neurs from seed to growth stage. Foun­ded 40 years ago in San Francisco
, Partech today has €2.5 billion in assets under manage­ment and a current port­fo­lio of 220 compa­nies span­ning 40 count­ries and 4 continents.

Further infor­ma­tion can be found at About QPLIX

QPLIX deve­lops and opera­tes a leading soft­ware solu­tion for the successful digi­tal manage­ment of
sophisti­ca­ted port­fo­lios. Clients include single and multi-family offices as well as foundations,
invest­ment funds, asset mana­gers, insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors and private banks across the EMEA region. The QPLIX plat­form holi­sti­cally maps both liquid and illi­quid asset clas­ses as well as various
client struc­tures and conso­li­da­tes all invest­ment data in a powerful data­base. The soft­ware enables users to perform real-time analy­ses at any time, whether via the powerful core appli­ca­tion, the indi­vi­dual end client portal or the app. QPLIX is also respon­si­ble for its own IT infra­struc­ture and secu­rity and proves to be a trust­wor­thy part­ner. This is under­li­ned by assets under manage­ment tota­ling more than 300 billion euros, which are curr­ently mana­ged via the plat­form. QPLIX GmbH was foun­ded in 2012 by Kai Linde, Phil­ipp Pötzl and Mathias Linder­meir and is head­quar­te­red in Munich. The team curr­ently consists of over 120 deve­lo­p­ment and finan­cial experts. About YPOG
YPOG is a specia­list law firm for tax and commer­cial law, active in the core areas of funds, tax, banking + finance and transactions.

The YPOG team advi­ses a wide variety of clients. These include up-and-coming tech­no­logy compa­nies and family-run SMEs as well as corpo­rate groups and private equity/venture capi­tal funds. YPOG is one of the leading addres­ses for venture capi­tal, private equity and fund struc­tu­ring in Germany. Today, YPOG employs more than 150 expe­ri­en­ced lawy­ers, tax consul­tants, tax specia­lists and a notary in four offices in Berlin, Hamburg, Colo­gne and Munich.

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