Photo: Axel Jahn, Managing Director of Adjusted Ventures (© Adjusted Ventures)

Growth financing for DIA Digital Consulting

Photo: Axel Jahn, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Adjus­ted Ventures (© Adjus­ted Ventures)
10. Febru­ary 2025

Wiesbaden/ Wetzlar/ Karls­ruhe — BMH and Adjus­ted Ventures are inves­t­ing in DIA Digi­tal Consul­ting GmbH, a leading digi­ta­liza­tion and sales­force consul­tancy in the DACH region. The invest­ment compa­nies BMH and Adjus­ted Ventures are jointly inves­t­ing in the company, which BMH is support­ing for the third time with the Hessen Kapi­tal I fund. 

Foun­ded in Wetz­lar in 2001, DIA Digi­tal Consul­ting GmbH has been led by Hendrik Adam as sole share­hol­der and Mana­ging Direc­tor since 2021 and is one of the specia­lists in the field of Sales­force consul­ting and imple­men­ta­tion. DIA helps compa­nies to trans­form their busi­ness models, inclu­ding by tapping into the poten­tial of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI).

As a stra­te­gic part­ner of Sales­force, DIA uses its exper­tise in process and tech­no­logy consul­ting to intro­duce modern cloud plat­forms with a focus on custo­mer rela­ti­onship manage­ment (CRM), inte­grate them deeply into the customer’s exis­ting land­scape and dove­tail them with solu­ti­ons from other tech­no­logy provi­ders. The focus here is on the areas of sales, marke­ting and custo­mer service as well as data-driven decis­­ion-making proces­ses. In this context, DIA plays a leading role in support­ing compa­nies in the intro­duc­tion of auto­no­mous AI agents to effi­ci­ently support their employees and custo­mers and in crea­ting the neces­sary foun­da­ti­ons to ensure their successful implementation. 

With over 100 experts at its loca­ti­ons in Wetz­lar, Berlin, Munich and Villin­­gen-Schwen­­nin­­gen, DIA deli­vers tailor-made solu­ti­ons and enables its custo­mers to opti­mize working methods and busi­ness proces­ses. Its custo­mers include compa­nies such as Bosch, Hella, Bayer, B. Braun, Endress+Hauser, TUI, Tele­fó­nica, Canyon and LG Elec­tro­nics as well as other compa­nies from various sectors such as mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring, high-tech, medi­cal tech­no­logy, auto­mo­tive, retail, tourism, tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons and media. DIA intends to use the fresh capi­tal to further expand its port­fo­lio of consul­ting, tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­tion and mana­ged services. 

Hendrik Adam, foun­der and Mana­ging Direc­tor of DIA: “The stra­te­gic part­ner­ship with BMH and Adjus­ted Ventures enables us to streng­then our inno­va­tive power and further rein­force our posi­tion as a leading digi­ta­liza­tion partner.”

Axel Jahn, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Adjus­ted Ventures (Photo © Adjus­ted Ventures): “As part of our company analy­sis, it quickly became clear to us what a jewel DIA repres­ents in the digi­ta­liza­tion indus­try and how great the growth poten­tial is. We are deligh­ted to be part of this growth and look forward to shaping the next steps toge­ther with the team. We are proud to now also be a share­hol­der in DIA.”

Dirk Pieper from BMH adds: “After support­ing DIA as a silent part­ner since 2019 as part of a realignment, we are now looking forward to conti­nuing the growth trajec­tory toge­ther with Adjus­ted Ventures and the DIA manage­ment. At the same time, the rene­wed invest­ment in DIA Digi­tal Consul­ting is a first for BMH: It is our first direct invest­ment as a ‘later stage’ invest­ment in a company that has alre­ady been opera­ting on the market for many years and a sector that we want to expand further in the future.”

About BMH

BMH Betei­­li­­gungs-Mana­ge­­men­t­­ge­­sel­l­­schaft Hessen mbH, based in Wies­ba­den, was foun­ded in 2001 and is a wholly owned subsi­diary of Landes­bank Hessen-Thürin­­gen Giro­zen­trale (Helaba). Through Wirt­­schafts- und Infra­struk­tur­bank Hessen (WIBank), BMH is actively invol­ved in the econo­mic deve­lo­p­ment acti­vi­ties of the State of Hesse. As a medium-sized invest­ment and venture capi­tal company, BMH bund­les public invest­ment inte­rests and finan­cing instru­ments for early-stage, growth and medium-sized compa­nies in Hesse. BMH curr­ently mana­ges six invest­ment funds with a volume of over 200 million euros. Since its foun­da­tion, BMH has inves­ted in more than 500 compa­nies. Invest­ment focu­ses include the sectors software/analytics; fintech/insuretech; life science; deep tech; IoT/industrial tech; hardware/industrial goods; cleantech.
More infor­ma­tion about BMH and its funds:

Adjus­ted Ventures

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