Photo: Anthropic: Claude AI - Logo variant (© Anthropic)

US ChatGPT competitor Claude raises USD 3.5 billion

Photo: Anthro­pic: Claude AI — Logo vari­ant (© Anthropic)
25. Febru­ary 2025

USA — The AI startup Anthro­pic, known for its chat­bot Claude, is about to close an enorm­ous finan­cing round worth 3.5 billion US dollars. This values the company at 61.5 billion US dollars, as repor­ted by the Wall Street Jour­nal. — The inves­tors include promi­nent inves­tors such as Helsing-Inves­­tor, Lightspeed Venture Part­ners, Gene­ral Cata­lyst and Besse­mer Venture Part­ners. The Abu Dhabi-based invest­ment firm MGX is also said to be in talks. 

Anthro­pic is also bene­fiting from signi­fi­cant invest­ment from tech giants. Amazon had alre­ady made a commit­ment of four billion US dollars in 2023, while Google recently inves­ted a further one billion US dollars, in addi­tion to the two billion US dollars previously pled­ged. These stra­te­gic finan­cial injec­tions under­line the confi­dence in the start-up’s inno­va­tive strength. 

Dario Amodei, CEO and co-foun­­der of the US AI company Anthro­pic, belie­ves that arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI) could surpass human capa­bi­li­ties in almost all areas in the near future. — Amodei foun­ded Anthro­pic in 2021 toge­ther with his sister and former OpenAI employees. 

As one of the main compe­ti­tors of OpenAI, the deve­lo­per of ChatGPT, Anthro­pic is posi­tio­ning itself in the race for supre­macy in the field of gene­ra­tive AI models. The company recently unvei­led its latest model, “Claude 3.7 Sonnet”, which offers faster respon­ses and impro­ved step-by-step reaso­ning. This tech­no­lo­gi­cal advance­ment is expec­ted to further streng­then Anthropic’s competitiveness. 

The current valua­tion of USD 61.5 billion repres­ents a signi­fi­cant jump compared to the previous valua­tion of USD 18 billion last year. This illus­tra­tes the enorm­ous growth poten­tial that inves­tors see in the AI sector. 

This funding conso­li­da­tes Anthropic’s posi­tion as one of the leading play­ers in the field of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence and sends a strong signal in the global race for tech­no­lo­gi­cal innovation.

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