Photo: Andreas Wagner, one of the managing directors and shareholders of Arcaris

Arcaris takes over MAGRO fasteners

Cate­gory: Deals and Private Equity
Photo: Andreas Wagner, one of the mana­ging direc­tors and share­hol­ders of Arcaris
25. Febru­ary 2021

Düssel­dorf — The invest­ment company Arca­ris takes over MAGRO Verbin­dungs­ele­mente GmbH as part of the company’s succes­sion. The sole share­hol­der of MAGRO was advi­sed by GvW Graf von West­pha­len on the sale to Arcaris.

MAGRO is a medium-sized family busi­ness based in Wupper­tal. Specia­li­zing in the procu­re­ment and logi­stics of indus­trial fasten­ers, the company supplies the auto­mo­tive and mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring indus­tries in parti­cu­lar with appli­ca­ti­ons such as turned, milled and pres­sed parts.

Arca­ris Manage­ment GmbH is an inde­pen­dent invest­ment company foun­ded by entre­pre­neurs. Through them, a broad network of entre­pre­neurs and entre­pre­neu­rial fami­lies invests in German SMEs. Arca­ris exclu­si­vely repres­ents long-term orien­ted inves­tors who support their invest­ments in many ways as part­ners and assume respon­si­bi­lity. The focus of these invest­ments is on the manu­fac­tu­ring and service sectors.

Advi­sor to Magro: GvW Graf von Westphalen
GvW advi­sed the family-owned company through a Frank­furt team consis­ting of Titus Walek (lead), Jan Hüni­ken (both M&A), Andrea Torka (real estate law), Kars­ten Kujath (labor law), Dr. Frank Tsche­sche and Soufian Hjiri (both tax law).

About Graf von Westphalen
GvW is a part­ner­ship of 160 lawy­ers and tax advi­sors. With offices in Berlin, Düssel­dorf, Frank­furt am Main, Hamburg, Munich, Stutt­gart and foreign offices/representative offices in Brussels, Istan­bul and Shang­hai, the firm is one of the largest inde­pen­dent law firms in Germany.

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