
Auctus portfolio company GS Star Hotels acquires Rilano Group

Cate­gory: Private Equity
6. March 2019

Munich — GS Star Hotels, a port­fo­lio company of private equity inves­tor Auctus ( photo: foun­ding part­ner Ingo Krocke) acqui­res a majo­rity stake in Rilano Holding GmbH. With this tran­sac­tion, GS Star Group is consis­t­ently imple­men­ting its growth concept and expan­ding its range of hotels in Germany and Austria. With the acqui­si­tion, GS Star Group grows to a plan­ned sales volume for 2019 of more than 100 million euros.

The Rilano Group opera­tes hotels throug­hout Germany and Austria under the brands The Rilano Hotel, Rilano 24|7 and Rilano Resorts. In total, the Rilano Group’s current hotel port­fo­lio includes eight hotels alre­ady in opera­tion and one under cons­truc­tion. In addi­tion, further hotels are being planned.

The port­fo­lio of the GS Star Group, which also includes Gorge­ous Smiling GmbH, curr­ently compri­ses 79 hotels in Germany, Austria and the Nether­lands. On the one hand, it acts as a fran­chise part­ner for global play­ers such as Inter­con­ti­nen­tal, Hilton or Wynd­ham, and on the other hand, it also opera­tes hotels under its own brand Artho­tel Ana.

By 2020, GS Star Group plans to operate around 100 hotels under manage­ment, making it the fastest growing German hotel group. There are curr­ently also expan­sion plans for other Euro­pean count­ries such as Switz­er­land and the United Kingdom.

Boris Dürr’s team regu­larly advi­ses Auctus on tran­sac­tions, inclu­ding its first entry into the hotel indus­try through the acqui­si­tion of GS Star Group in 2018.

Advi­sor to Auctus: Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
Boris Dürr, Dr. Oliver Trep­tow (both M&A/Corporate, both lead)
Dr. Arnold Büsse­ma­ker (Finan­cing)
Stef­fen Wilberg (Real Estate)
Peter M. Schäff­ler (Taxes)
Chris­tian Schild, LL.M. (Corpo­rate /M&A), all Munich
Dr. Holger Lüders (Labor Law), Düsseldorf

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