Photo: Boris Dürr, Partner at Heuking in Munich (© Heuking)

AL-KO sells Gardentech to Ningbo Daye Garden Machinery

Photo: Boris Dürr, Part­ner at Heuking in Munich (© Heuking)
24. Febru­ary 2025

Munich — A Heuking team has provi­ded legal advice to the AL-KO Group on the sale of the AL-KO Garden­tech divi­sion to the Chinese group Ningbo Daye Garden Machi­nery. The tran­sac­tion was successfully comple­ted after appr­oval by the compe­tent autho­ri­ties with a closing at the begin­ning of Febru­ary 2025. 

The AL-KO Garden­tech divi­sion produ­ces and sells a range of lawn mowers world­wide, inclu­ding smart robo­tic lawn mowers, lawn trac­tors, equip­ment for pruning trees and hedges and garden irri­ga­tion equip­ment, making it one of the market leaders in the gardening equip­ment sector. Most of the garden tools and compon­ents are produ­ced in the company’s own factory in Austria. The Garden­tech divi­sion, consis­ting of AL-KO Geräte GmbH as the parent company and subsi­dia­ries in Austria, Great Britain, Austra­lia and New Zealand, among others, gene­ra­tes a turno­ver of over 250 million euros with more than 700 employees at 19 locations. 

Ningbo Daye Garden Machi­nery Co. Ltd. is a China-based group listed on the Shen­zhen Stock Exch­ange, specia­li­zing in the deve­lo­p­ment, produc­tion and sales of land­scape main­ten­ance products.

Heuking regu­larly advi­ses the AL-KO Group and its share­hol­der PRIMEPULSE on M&A tran­sac­tions and other projects, most recently on the sale of a majo­rity stake in the listed STEMMER IMAGING AG to the US private equity inves­tor Midd­le­Ground Capi­tal and the sale of the glueck kanja Group to Norves­tor, a Norwe­gian private equity investor.

Consul­tant AL-KO GmbH: HEUKING

Boris Dürr (lead part­ner over­all tran­sac­tion; corpo­rate law / M&A), Chris­tian Schild, LL.M. (lead part­ner contract nego­tia­ti­ons; corpo­rate law / M&A),

Dr. Rein­hard Siegert, (anti­trust law),
Dr. Ruth Jung­kind, (anti­trust law / distri­bu­tion law),
Peter M. Schäff­ler, (tax law),
Felix Noack, (corpo­rate law / M&A), all Munich,
Dr. Lutz Martin Keppe­ler, (IT / Data Protection),
Anna Rich­ter (Corpo­rate Law / M&A), both Cologne,
Astrid Lued­tke (IP Media & Technology),
Sarah Radon (Corpo­rate Law / M&A), both Düsseldorf.

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