
BÖAG Börsen AG acquires majority stake in ICF BANK

4. May 2020

Hamburg — BÖAG Börsen AG acqui­res the majo­rity of shares in ICF BANK AG from the company’s foun­ders. As part of the tran­sac­tion, BÖAG Börsen AG (photo: Hamburg Stock Exch­ange), the spon­so­ring company of the stock exch­an­ges in Düssel­dorf, Hamburg and Hano­ver, also secu­red an option on further shares. With the acqui­si­tion of the majo­rity of shares, BÖAG Börsen AG streng­thens its posi­tion and sets the course for further joint inno­va­tive growth. The tran­sac­tion is still subject to appr­oval by boards and the rele­vant regu­la­tory authorities.

The current stra­te­gic part­ner­ship between BÖAG Börsen AG and ICF BANK AG is based on years of successful coope­ra­tion. Since 2017, ICF BANK AG has acted as a market maker in Quotrix, the elec­tro­nic trading system of the Düssel­dorf Stock Exch­ange. Since the begin­ning of 2020, she has been respon­si­ble for trading in equi­ties, bonds, invest­ment funds as well as ETPs on the Düssel­dorf Stock Exch­ange as an order book mana­ger. The posi­tio­ning in the “Capi­tal Markets” and “Brokerage Services” busi­ness areas opens up addi­tio­nal sources of growth and earnings along­side the origi­nal secu­ri­ties trading business.

BÖAG Börsen AG is the owner of the broker-supported stock exch­an­ges in Düssel­dorf, Hamburg and Hano­ver as well as the elec­tro­nic trading plat­forms Quotrix and LS Exch­ange. Toge­ther, the three exch­an­ges, inclu­ding their trading plat­forms, have more than 50,000 listings of secu­ri­ties (equi­ties, open-end funds/ETFs, bonds, parti­ci­pa­tion certi­fi­ca­tes and certificates/ETCs). Trading parti­ci­pants include dome­stic credit insti­tu­ti­ons and finan­cial services companies.

ICF BANK AG is a secu­ri­ties trading bank with around 65 employees head­quar­te­red in Frank­furt. With its IT subsi­dia­ries ICF SYSTEMS AG and Novis Soft­ware GmbH, it is one of the leading service and solu­tion provi­ders for all aspects of secu­ri­ties trading in Germany.

Advi­sors to BÖAG Börsen AG: Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
Dr. Michael Dröge, Dr. Jörg Schewe(both M&A/Corporate), both lead, Julia Cramer (Capi­tal Markets), Sven Johann­sen (Capi­tal Markets, Banking Super­vi­sion), all Hamburg

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