Photo: Aids for patients from DOCCLA (Photo © Doccla)

British start-up Doccla raises € 41 million in Series B funding

Photo: Aids for pati­ents from DOCCLA (Photo © Doccla)
4. Septem­ber 2024
London — The British start-up Doccla wants to go inter­na­tio­nal with its tele­me­di­cine system and has raised almost 41 million euros.
— Lake­star is leading the Series B round, with Elaia and Gene­ral Cata­lyst, Speed­in­vest and Bertels­mann as well as seve­ral exis­ting inves­tors also participating.
The funding comes two years after Doccla raised a $17 million Series A round. 
Hospi­tals around the world regu­larly struggle with bed shorta­ges — a problem that can be exacer­ba­ted in the event of a health crisis or other large-scale disaster.
The startup Doccla is using tech­no­logy to solve this problem: It is deve­lo­ping “virtual bed” tech­no­logy that allows doctors to remo­tely care for pati­ents who have either been dischar­ged early or, in some cases, never come to the hospi­tal at all. 
Doccla has been provi­ding doctors with tech­no­logy to moni­tor their pati­ents at home since 2019.
The company has comple­ted the new finan­cing round to ensure that its expan­sion into the D‑A‑CH region (Germany, Austria and Switz­er­land) and France is as successful as possible. 
To date, Doccla has moni­to­red over 4 million pati­ent days, with a compli­ance rate of over 95%.
The company claims to enroll 1,000 new pati­ents per month.
In the long term, Doccla is aiming for 100,000 new pati­ents per month. 
An initial pilot project is alre­ady under­way in Germany Doccla enables pati­ents to be dischar­ged from hospi­tal and receive conti­nuous, high-quality care at home.
— Accor­ding to a study funded by the NHS, regio­nal NHS depart­ments were able to reduce emer­gency room visits by 63 percent by using Doccla and at the same time achieve a 300 percent return on investment.
This proba­bly also convin­ced those respon­si­ble at the Bad Reichen­hall district clinic: they brought the system to Germany without further ado as part of a pilot project in Febru­ary 2024, but are only using it for indi­vi­dual pati­ents for the time being due to the health­care system not yet being geared towards telemedicine. 

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