Photo: Max Viessmann, CEO of the Viessmann Generations Group (Photo © Viessmann)

capiton sells GRITEC to Viessmann Generations Group

Photo: Max Viess­mann, CEO of the Viess­mann Gene­ra­ti­ons Group (Photo © Viessmann)
30. Octo­ber 2024

Berlin — capi­ton AG has successfully sold its stake in GRITEC TopCo GmbH (“GRITEC”) to Viess­mann Gene­ra­ti­ons Group (“Viess­mann”). GRITEC is the largest solu­tion provi­der for turn­key tech­no­logy buil­dings and stati­ons for energy, water and indus­trial infra­struc­ture in Germany. The company specia­li­zes in intel­li­gent infra­struc­ture solu­ti­ons and key compon­ents for the trans­for­ma­tion to a decen­tra­li­zed and green energy grid. As a leader in grid infra­struc­ture, GRITEC will play a key role in the green energy tran­si­tion in Europe. GRITEC offers compre­hen­sive solu­ti­ons for the deve­lo­p­ment, produc­tion and provi­sion of ready-to-connect, system-rele­­vant infra­struc­ture solu­ti­ons in the form of tech­no­logy buil­dings, trans­for­mer stati­ons and the asso­cia­ted custo­mer services for the utility grid, e‑mobility, tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, rail systems and indus­try sectors. These compon­ents are essen­tial for a nati­on­wide and stable energy supply, espe­ci­ally to meet the chal­lenges of an incre­asingly decen­tra­li­zed grid infra­struc­ture due to the tran­si­tion to rene­wa­ble ener­gies. GRITEC employs 1,300 people at six loca­ti­ons in Germany and the Czech Repu­blic. GRITEC had been a holding of the private equity company capi­ton AG since 2022. The tran­sac­tion is subject to appr­oval by the rele­vant anti­trust autho­ri­ties. In order to achieve climate neutra­lity by 2045, the share of rene­wa­ble ener­gies in Germany must be almost doubled by 2030 and the rate of expan­sion even tripled (source: “Anteil der erneu­er­ba­ren Ener­gien steigt”; acces­sed on 22.10.2024). As an intel­li­gent all-in-one solu­tion provi­der, GRITEC is ideally posi­tio­ned to provide and smartly inte­grate the neces­sary substa­ti­ons and tech­ni­cal buil­dings. Max Viess­mann, CEO of the Viess­mann Gene­ra­ti­ons Group (Photo © Viess­mann): “GRITEC plays a crucial role in the expan­sion of a nati­on­wide, smart and sustainable energy infra­struc­ture and we look forward to tapping into further growth poten­tial toge­ther. In order to achieve the important Euro­pean climate targets, we support inno­va­tive compa­nies that are commit­ted to scalable solu­ti­ons for redu­cing and saving CO2 emis­si­ons. Toge­ther with GRITEC and our ecosys­tem of medium-sized market leaders, we are taking respon­si­bi­lity to shape living spaces for future generations.” 

Volker Ernst & Thomas Sachers, Mana­ging Direc­tors of the GRITEC Group: “We are deligh­ted to have Viess­mann, a renow­ned and successful majo­rity share­hol­der, at our side, who will provide us with opti­mal support in imple­men­ting our next stra­te­gic and long-term goals. The fact that our corpo­rate cultures and mission state­ments fit toge­ther perfectly gives us great confi­dence in our future path to make an important contri­bu­tion to a sustainable future with our solu­ti­ons.” Thomas Brake, Direc­tor of capi­ton AG: “Toge­ther, we have been able to deve­lop GRITEC into a market leader in the field of energy infra­struc­ture in recent years and create a solid foun­da­tion for future growth. We would like to thank the Co-CEOs Volker Ernst, Thomas Sachers and the entire GRITEC team for this fanta­stic part­ner­ship and excep­tio­nal commit­ment.” Chris­toph Spors, Part­ner at capi­ton AG, adds: “We are deligh­ted to have found the perfect part­ner in Viess­mann to conti­nue GRITEC’s successful growth trajec­tory. We wish GRITEC and its employees all the best for the next chap­ter of the company under new ownership.” 

Consul­tant CAPITON: 

Houli­han Lokey as exclu­si­vely manda­ted M&A advi­sor, Milbank (sell-side coun­sel), honert (manage­ment coun­sel), Deloitte (finan­cial), Boston Consul­ting Group (commer­cial), Flick Gocke Schaum­burg (tax) and ERM (ESG).

About capi­ton AG

capi­ton ( is an inde­pen­dent private equity fund mana­ger that mana­ges funds with a volume of 1.6 billion euros. Foun­ded in 1984 as an invest­ment company of a large insu­rance group, capi­ton became an inde­pen­dent part­ner­ship in 2004. Curr­ently, capi­ton invests from its latest fund capi­ton VI. capi­ton AG’s invest­ment port­fo­lio curr­ently compri­ses 19 medium-sized companies. 

About GRITEC Group

As a leading Euro­pean full-service provi­der for system-rele­­vant infra­struc­ture solu­ti­ons, GRITEC has been secu­ring supplies in many areas of infra­struc­ture — such as elec­tri­city, gas, water, rene­wa­ble ener­gies, digi­ta­liza­tion, e‑mobility and indus­try — for over 60 years, making it a driver and enabler of the energy and mobi­lity transition.

About Viess­mann Gene­ra­ti­ons Group

Foun­ded in 1917, the inde­pen­dent family busi­ness Viess­mann is today a global, broadly diver­si­fied group. All acti­vi­ties are based on the corpo­rate mission state­ment “We create living spaces for future gene­ra­ti­ons” — this is the passion and respon­si­bi­lity that drives the members of the large global Viess­mann family every day. In line with this goal, Viess­mann offers compa­nies and co-crea­­tors an ecosys­tem that goes beyond the heating indus­try and is commit­ted to the avoid­ance, reduc­tion and storage of CO2. 


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