Photo: Dr. Frederik Gärtner, Partner at YPOG, Berlin

Care Cosmetics and 3d investors take over Sommaire Beauté

Photo: Dr. Frede­rik Gärt­ner, Part­ner at YPOG, Berlin
21. June 2024

Berlin — The Dutch Care Cosme­tics B.V. (“Care Cosme­tics”) and its share­hol­der 3d inves­tors from Belgium are acqui­ring Sommaire Beauté GmbH (“Sommaire Beauté”) with compre­hen­sive legal and tax advice. Through this part­ner­ship, Care Cosme­tics is ente­ring the German-spea­king market. — YPOG advi­sed the Dutch Care Cosme­tics B.V. and its share­hol­der 3d inves­tors on this transaction.

Sommaire Beauté was foun­ded in Düssel­dorf in 2014 and has deve­lo­ped into a leading distri­bu­tion company for niche cosme­tics and life­style brands. The foun­ders and mana­ging direc­tors Patrick Mehrow and Chris­toph Broich will conti­nue to drive the growth of Sommaire Beauté as part­ners toge­ther with Care Cosmetics.
Care Cosme­tics is a market leader in the distri­bu­tion of profes­sio­nal cosme­tics in the Bene­lux and manu­fac­tu­rer of two own brands. The company was foun­ded in 1996 by Duco van Keim­pema and has been supported by 3d inves­tors from Belgium since 2020.
The part­ner­ship with Sommaire Beauté is an important step in Care Cosme­tics’ inter­na­tio­nal expan­sion stra­tegy and the asso­cia­ted buy-and-build strategy.

About Care Cosmetics
Care Cosme­tics is an estab­lished company in the cosme­tics indus­try. With over 25 years of expe­ri­ence, it offers a wide range of products and treat­ments. The brands distri­bu­ted by Care Cosme­tics include Dr. Renaud, Skeyn­dor, PCA Skin, Neova, Guinot, Acade­mie, Matis, Pupa Milano, Roc, Anne­ma­rie Börlind and Simone Mahler. Further infor­ma­tion:

About 3d investors
3d inves­tors is a family busi­ness. It was foun­ded in 1992 by the Donck and Desim­pel fami­lies, who are active in the dairy and buil­ding mate­ri­als indus­tries respec­tively. The company builds on a proud tradi­tion of entre­pre­neur­ship and has chosen to support solid compa­nies with growth poten­tial. It is based on its core values: Entre­pre­neur­ship, empa­thy, inte­grity, passion and agility.

Consul­tant Care Cosme­tics and 3d inves­tors: YPOG

Dr. Frede­rik Gärt­ner (Co-Lead, Tran­sac­tions), Part­ner, Berlin
Dr. Ferdi­nand Cadmus (Co-Lead, Tran­sac­tions), Asso­cia­ted Part­ner, Berlin/Hamburg Dr. Malte Berg­mann (Tax), Part­ner, Hamburg
Dr. Chris­toph Cordes (IP/IT), Asso­ciate, Berlin
Amelie Insel­mann (Tax), Asso­ciate, Hamburg
Laura Franke (Tran­sac­tions), Asso­ciate, Cologne
Roman Schäle (Tran­sac­tions), Asso­ciate, Berlin
Dr. Gerrit Breet­holt (Tran­sac­tions), Asso­ciate, Hamburg

About YPOG

YPOG is a law firm specia­li­zing in tax and commer­cial law, active in the core areas of funds, tax, banking + finance and tran­sac­tions. The YPOG team advi­ses a wide variety of clients. These include emer­ging tech­no­logy compa­nies and family-run medium-sized enter­pri­ses as well as corpo­ra­ti­ons and private equity/venture capi­tal funds. YPOG is one of the leading addres­ses for venture capi­tal, private equity and fund struc­tu­ring in Germany. The firm and its part­ners are ranked natio­nally and inter­na­tio­nally by JUVE, Best Lawy­ers, Legal 500, Focus, Cham­bers and Part­ners and Leaders League. Today, YPOG employs more than 120 expe­ri­en­ced lawy­ers, tax consul­tants, tax specia­lists and a notary in three offices in Berlin, Hamburg and Colo­gne.

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