Photo: Dr. Felix Brammer, Partner at CORVEL LLP

CORVEL advises heidelpay Group on investment in fintech start-up Tillhub

Photo: Dr. Felix Brammer, Part­ner at CORVEL LLP
7. July 2020

Hamburg — CORVEL advi­sed heidel­pay Group GmbH (“heidel­pay”) on its invest­ment in Till­hub GmbH. Till­hub offers retail­ers digi­tal payment methods via an all-in-one iPad POS system. Well-known custo­mers of Till­hub are Klier Hair Group GmbH and Fleu­rop AG. Heidel­pay is thus expan­ding its exper­tise in the PoS (Point of Sale) area and conti­nuing to drive its growth and omnich­an­nel approach. The parties have agreed not to disc­lose the size of the investment.

Heidel­pay is one of the fastest growing German tech compa­nies for inter­na­tio­nal payments and offers its own solu­ti­ons such as invoice and install­ment purchase, direct debit, online bank trans­fer or prepay­ment as well as on well-known provi­ders of credit cards or wallet solu­ti­ons. Since 2020, the inves­tor KKR has been the majo­rity share­hol­der of heidelpay.

Advi­sor heidel­pay: CORVEL LLP (Hamburg)
Dr. Felix Brammer (photo), Asso­ciate: Thomas Sievers

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