
From entrepreneur to seller — How exit readiness maximizes company value


Even in times when the econo­mic news is charac­te­ri­zed by multi­ple crises, many share­hol­ders are faced with one of the most important decis­i­ons of their lives — the sale of the company. In the post-Covid era, buyers were still willing to buy compa­nies and often outbid each other in bidding proces­ses with top prices. Today, buyers are much more cautious in the current market and many sellers are finding it diffi­cult to achieve their targets. In order for entre­pre­neurs to sell their company successfully, maxi­mize the company value and make the sales process as smooth as possi­ble, careful and compre­hen­sive prepa­ra­tion is crucial. Exit readi­ness”, the compre­hen­sive prepa­ra­tion of a company for sale, should ther­e­fore be an inte­gral part of any successful sales process.

An exit-ready company is charac­te­ri­zed by the follo­wing features:

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