Photo: f. l. t. r. Philipp Koppe, Marc Fyrbiak and Tim Blazytko, the founders of Emproof (Photo: Emproof)

Embedded security startup Emproof secures €2 million in seed round

Photo: f. l. t. r. Phil­ipp Koppe, Marc Fyrbiak and Tim Blazytko, the foun­ders of Emproof (Photo: Emproof)
15. July 2022

Eindhoven/Bochum — Emproof B.V. has successfully closed a €2 million seed finan­cing round, enab­ling the company to further expand its product range and serve custo­mers in Europe and the US. The finan­cing round is led by Dutch invest­ment company TIIN Capi­tal through its Dutch Secu­rity Tech­Fund, toge­ther with German High-Tech Grün­der­fonds and French venture capi­tal fund Cyber Impact.

Emproof has deve­lo­ped a unique tech­no­logy to protect resource-cons­­trai­­ned (I)IoT and embedded devices from cyber-attacks and IP devia­ti­ons. With redu­ced effort and easy inte­gra­tion into custo­mers’ firm­ware deve­lo­p­ment proces­ses, Emproof’s NYX Suite makes a signi­fi­cant diffe­rence for OEMs with expo­sed IoT devices across multi­ple industries.

Most embedded and indus­trial IoT devices have mini­mal memory and compu­ting power to keep their manu­fac­tu­ring costs as low as possi­ble. There is ther­e­fore little scope for addi­tio­nal safety precau­ti­ons. Conse­quently, exis­ting firm­ware hardening solu­ti­ons are not suita­ble, which means that those very devices are not protec­ted against attacks from hackers. As a result, embedded systems can be easily hacked in large numbers and used as botnets, for crypto mining, as an entry point into back-end systems, or simply to extract and reverse engi­neer intellec­tual property or trade secrets that OEMs have spent milli­ons deve­lo­ping. The result: redu­ced compe­ti­tive advan­tage, lower returns on invest­ment in rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment, product liabi­lity claims, and repu­ta­tio­nal damage.

To address these issues, Emproof has deve­lo­ped the NYX soft­ware suite that prevents reverse engi­nee­ring and firm­ware tampe­ring for Arm and Intel Corpo­ra­tion archi­tec­tures, with RISC V Inter­na­tio­nal support coming soon. Inte­gra­tion as a post-compi­­ler step in any firm­ware deve­lo­p­ment pipe­line enables a fast and smooth start for the custo­mer. The ability to upgrade the secu­rity of field devices via an over-the-air update is also extre­mely valuable.

Over the next 12 months, the team will focus on road­map capa­bi­li­ties and func­tional safety certi­fi­ca­tion to meet requi­re­ments in key markets such as aero­space, auto­mo­tive and medi­cal devices.

About emproof B.V.

Emproof provi­des inno­va­tive secu­rity solu­ti­ons for embedded systems that address multi­ple layers of the soft­ware secu­rity stack. The company’s auto­ma­ted solu­ti­ons not only prevent cyber attacks such as the explo­ita­tion of soft­ware vulnerabi­li­ties, but also product piracy and tampe­ring. Emproof’s solu­ti­ons address where tradi­tio­nal methods fail, helping custo­mers reduce costly risks asso­cia­ted with cyber attacks and increase confi­dence in IoT devices.

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