FAZIT-STIFTUNG sells Frankfurt media group to ZHH
Frankfurt a. M. — FAZIT-STIFTUNG, which includes Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH as well as Frankfurter Societät GmbH, and Zeitungsholding Hessen (“ZHH”), owned by Ippen Mediengruppe and the Rempel family’s MDV-Mediengruppe, have reached an agreement on the sale of Mediengruppe Frankfurt to ZHH. The sale is still subject to approval by the antitrust authorities.
The Frankfurt Media Group comprises the Frankfurter Rundschau, the Frankfurter Neue Presse with its regional editions, the advertising journal Mix am Mittwoch, the marketing company RheinMain.Media, the digital agency Rhein-Main.Net and the Frankfurter Societäts-Druckerei.
Advisor to FAZIT-STIFTUNG: Hengeler Mueller
Active were the partners Dr. Joachim Rosengarten(photo(Corporate/M&A, Frankfurt), Dr. Alf-Henrik Bischke (Antitrust, Düsseldorf), Dr. Ernst-Thomas Kraft (Tax, Frankfurt) and Dr. Fabian Alexander Quast (Public Commercial Law, Berlin), Counsel Dr. Markus Ernst (Tax, Munich) and Associates Dr. Thomas Lang, Till Wansleben (both Corporate/M&A, Frankfurt), Dr. Philipp Otto Neideck (Antitrust, Düsseldorf) and Dr. Peter Dieterich (Public Commercial Law, Berlin).