
Finatem acquires Food & Service Group from Steadfast Capital

13. Novem­ber 2019

Frank­furt a. Main — Fina­tem acqui­res Food & Service Group, seller is private equity firm Stead­fast Capi­tal. Shear­man & Ster­ling advi­sed NATIONAL-BANK AG on the finan­cing of the acqui­si­tion of Food & Service Group by Fina­tem. The current manage­ment team will remain with the company and toge­ther with Fina­tem intends to successfully conti­nue the buy and build stra­tegy. The parties have agreed not to disc­lose details of the transaction.

The Food & Service Group is a leading food deli­very whole­sa­ler for bulk consu­mers and whole­sa­lers and was foun­ded in 1960 as a family busi­ness. As an assort­ment deli­very whole­sa­ler head­quar­te­red in Mülheim an der Ruhr, the company specia­li­zes in just-in-time deli­veries to fast food and cate­ring busi­nesses with a focus on North Rhine-West­­pha­­lia. In addi­tion to the company’s own award-winning meat and sausage products, the product port­fo­lio is supple­men­ted by the purchase of comple­men­tary products from the snack and cate­ring sector and curr­ently compri­ses around 4,000 items.

NATIONAL-BANK AG is one of the leading inde­pen­dent regio­nal banks in Germany for discer­ning private and corpo­rate custo­mers and medium-sized insti­tu­tio­nal investors.

The Shear­man & Ster­ling team, led by part­ner Dr. Matthias Weis­sin­ger (Germany-Finance), included asso­ciate Sven Opper­mann (Germany-Finance/M&A) and tran­sac­tion specia­list Deniz Alkanli (Germany-Finance).

About Shear­man & Sterling
Shear­man & Ster­ling is an inter­na­tio­nal law firm with 23 offices in 13 count­ries and appro­xi­m­ately 850 lawy­ers. In Germany, Shear­man & Ster­ling is repre­sen­ted at the Frank­furt office. The firm is one of the inter­na­tio­nal market leaders in advi­sing on complex cross-border tran­sac­tions. World­wide, Shear­man & Ster­ling prima­rily advi­ses inter­na­tio­nal corpo­ra­ti­ons and large natio­nal compa­nies, finan­cial insti­tu­ti­ons, and large mid-sized compa­nies. For more infor­ma­tion, visit

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