Photo: Dr. Jörg Schewe, Partner at Heuking (Photo © Heuking)

Five Arrows and CGE Partners acquire majority stake in Intact

Photo: Dr. Jörg Schewe, Part­ner at Heuking (Photo © Heuking)
11. Octo­ber 2024

Hamburg — HEUKING has advi­sed Five Arrows and CGE Part­ners (CGE) on their invest­ment in Intact, a leading provi­der of end-to-end audit work­flow soft­ware for certi­fi­ca­tion bodies, stan­dard setters and, more recently, enter­pri­ses. The manage­ment and the previous majo­rity share­hol­der, tech­no­logy inves­tor IMCap Part­ners, will retain a stake in the company. Intact digi­ti­zes complex work­flows in the certi­fi­ca­tion proces­ses. The company enables its custo­mers to seam­lessly manage all their core opera­tio­nal proces­ses from audit plan­ning and audit execu­tion to certi­fi­ca­tion appr­oval and invoi­cing in a modu­lar Soft­­ware-as-a-Service (SaaS) tool. CGE and Five Arrows are working with Thomas Lorber (co-foun­­der and CEO of Intact) and his exten­ded manage­ment team to support the next phase of Intact’s ambi­tious growth trajec­tory while main­tai­ning its highly custo­­mer-centric approach.
The finan­cial terms of the invest­ment were not disc­lo­sed. “We are deligh­ted to welcome both Five Arrows and CGE Part­ners as inves­tors in Intact. With their strong track record of foste­ring the growth and scaling of inno­va­tive tech­no­logy compa­nies, we are confi­dent that this part­ner­ship will propel us forward. Toge­ther, we will further streng­then our capa­bi­li­ties by stra­te­gi­cally inves­t­ing in our products, services and inter­na­tio­nal expan­sion, deli­ve­ring even grea­ter value to our custo­mers, employees and stake­hol­ders world­wide,” commen­ted Thomas Lorber, co-foun­­der and CEO of Intact. “We have been follo­wing Intact for seve­ral years and have been deeply impres­sed by the company’s deve­lo­p­ment to date. It is rightly reco­gni­zed as a leading provi­der of end-to-end audit work­flow soft­ware and counts some of the largest and most deman­ding certi­fi­ca­tion bodies and stan­dard setters among its custo­mers,” commen­ted Five Arrows. “We are deligh­ted to support the next phase of Intact’s exci­ting growth trajec­tory as certi­fi­ca­tion bodies and stan­dard setters look to moder­nize and digi­tize their work­flows. We share the team’s vision that Intact can bring grea­ter produc­ti­vity, accu­racy and trans­pa­rency to the certi­fi­ca­tion market,” commen­ted CGE Part­ners. “At the time of our invest­ment, Intact was a small, very specia­li­zed and highly inno­va­tive soft­ware company in the field of Test­ing, Inspec­tion and Certi­fi­ca­tion, which fits perfectly with our invest­ment profile. Over the past six years, we have supported the company’s successful growth trajec­tory by inves­t­ing in the orga­niza­tion and provi­ding access to our network and opera­tio­nal exper­tise, all with a strong sense of part­ner­ship,” added IMCap Part­ners. Advi­sor Five Arrows: HEUKING Dr. Jörg Schewe, photo © Heuking (lead, M&A/corporate),
Dr. Henrik Lay (tax law),
Dr. Frede­rik Wiemer (anti­trust law),
Chris­toph Proch­nau (M&A/corporate), all Hamburg,
Martin Karwatzki, LL.M. (Insu­rance Law), Cologne,
Caro­line Frohn­wie­ser, Hamburg,
Sarah Radon, LL.M. (both M&A/Corporate), Düsseldorf,
Simon Pommer, LL.M. (Tax Law), Hamburg

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