Photo: Dr. Harald Stang, Partner at Deloitte Legal (© Deloitte)

HANNOVER Finanz acquires stake in climate tech company PAUL Tech

Cate­gory: Private Equity
Photo: Dr. Harald Stang, Part­ner at Deloitte Legal (© Deloitte)
23. Decem­ber 2023

Hano­ver — A Hano­­ver-based Deloitte Legal team led by corporate/M&A part­ners Dr. Harald Stang and Dr. Maxi­mi­lian Habel has advi­sed HANNOVER Finanz on its invest­ment in PAUL Tech AG (PAUL), based in Mann­heim, as part of a growth finan­cing with a total volume of EUR 40 million.

PAUL will use the newly provi­ded funds in parti­cu­lar for invest­ments and further growth in the area of energy-saving tech­no­lo­gies & solu­ti­ons for large resi­den­tial buil­dings. With its core product PAUL Perfor­mance, PAUL has deve­lo­ped a system control­led by intel­li­gent soft­ware using AI that can reduce energy consump­tion and thus energy costs and CO2 taxes in buil­dings by up to 40 percent through perma­nent adap­tive hydrau­lic balan­cing in real time. This also makes it possi­ble to install heat pumps.

About HANNOVER Finanz

Foun­ded in 1979, HANNOVER Finanz has more than 40 years of expe­ri­ence as an equity part­ner for SMEs. The private equity firm based in Hano­ver and with an office in Vienna is one of the first venture capi­tal provi­ders for the D‑A‑CH region in Germany and is an owner-mana­­ged invest­ment company in its second gene­ra­tion. Well-known compa­nies such as Fiel­mann, Ross­mann and AIXTRON have reali­zed their growth with equity capi­tal from HANNOVER Finanz and taken advan­tage of its entre­pre­neu­rial support. Since its foun­ding, the equity part­ner for SMEs has comple­ted over 250 projects and inves­ted over two billion euros. Invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties are mainly growth finan­cing and succes­sion plan­ning for solid medium-sized compa­nies with annual sales of 20 million euros or more. In addi­tion to majo­rity share­hol­dings, the HANNOVER Finanz Group is one of the few invest­ment compa­nies in Germany to acquire mino­rity inte­rests. The port­fo­lio curr­ently includes 35 companies.

About PAUL Tech AG
PAUL Tech AG is the tech­no­logy leader and specia­list for the digi­tal trans­for­ma­tion of the real estate indus­try. PAUL uses arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence to make exis­ting buil­dings climate-friendly with mini­mal invest­ment and no loss of comfort for resi­dents. Inves­tors and opera­tors rely on PAUL to make their proper­ties fit for the future and compe­ti­tive. PAUL curr­ently supports over 150 compa­nies in the real estate indus­try with over one hundred thousand resi­den­tial units.

The Hano­­ver-based private equity house HANNOVER Finanz has regu­larly relied on the exper­tise of the Hano­­ver-based Deloitte Legal team for many years, as eviden­ced by nume­rous tran­sac­tions invol­ving PE inves­tors and medium-sized compa­nies. Follo­wing the invest­ment in First Climate AG in spring 2022, the Deloitte Legal team was once again able to support HANNOVER Finanz with an invest­ment in the rapidly growing market for inno­va­tive solu­ti­ons and tech­no­lo­gies to miti­gate climate change. In the PAUL tran­sac­tion, the Deloitte Legal team was entrus­ted with the legal due dili­gence, in parti­cu­lar in the areas of corpo­rate law, labor law, commer­cial, IP/IT and regu­la­tory law.

Advi­sor HANNOVER Finanz: 

In-house: Dr. Chris­tina Silber­ber­ger (Gene­ral Counsel/Partner; lead)
Deloitte Legal: Dr. Harald Stang, Foto (Part­ner, Corporate/M&A), Dr. Maxi­mi­lian Habel (Part­ner, Corporate/M&A), Johan­nes Passas (Part­ner, Commer­cial), Dr. Char­lotte Sander (Part­ner, Employ­ment Law), Gunnar Fehrin­ger (Coun­sel, Real Estate), Laura Vaske (Senior Asso­ciate, Commer­cial), Daniela Wasseram (Senior Asso­ciate, Employ­ment Law), Anna Beth­mann (Senior Asso­ciate, Corporate/M&A), all Hanover

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