
INVISION acquires a stake in ABC-Design

Cate­gory: Private Equity
14. Novem­ber 2018

Albdruck/ Zug (CH) — INVISION has acqui­red a majo­rity stake in the German family-owned company ABC Design GmbH as part of a succes­sion plan. The members of the foun­ding Fischer family remain invol­ved and conti­nue to play key opera­tio­nal roles.

ABC Design is the leading manu­fac­tu­rer of strol­lers and access­ories in the German market. The company, based in Albbruck DE, sells station wagons, sports strol­lers, car seats, high chairs and access­ories, cove­ring a wide range of needs for young fami­lies. Thanks to the strong team in Albbruck and with the help of long-stan­­ding and stable supplier rela­ti­onships, ABC Design can offer high-quality strol­lers at fair prices. In-house quality manage­ment enables ABC Design to guaran­tee the highest stan­dards of safety and quality, which are appre­cia­ted by specia­list dealers and end custo­mers alike. This is confirmed by the good custo­mer response as well as by Stif­tung Waren­test, which places ABC Design strol­lers in the top ranks as a price-perfor­­mance leader.

The foun­ders Eva & Diet­mar Fischer built up the successful company from 1989 to 2011 and mana­ged it both opera­tio­nally and stra­te­gi­cally. In 2011, their son Bernd Fischer joined the manage­ment team, while Eva Fischer contin­ued to help shape the company in the area of design and Diet­mar Fischer as an advi­sory board member.

The foun­ding family will conti­nue to hold a stake in the company along­side INVISION and will conti­nue to perform all opera­tio­nal roles as before. Under the leader­ship of the two mana­ging direc­tors Bernd Fischer and Jörg Zehe, the focus conti­nues to be on the conti­nuous streng­thening of the market leader­ship in Germany and the expan­sion into promi­sing inter­na­tio­nal markets.

Eva & Diet­mar Fischer, foun­ders and co-part­­ners of ABC Design, comment: “We are happy to have found a relia­ble and strong part­ner in INVISION, who is moti­va­ted to successfully conti­nue the company in the same style and with the same culture.”

Bernd Fischer, mana­ging part­ner of ABC Design, adds: “INVISION is a part­ner who is just as convin­ced of ABC Design’s busi­ness model as we are and who is looking to the future with joy and verve. The focus of further deve­lo­p­ment is on conti­nuous growth with an uncom­pro­mi­sing focus on quality and price, but now with a strong co-part­­ner at our side.”

Martin Spirig, Part­ner at INVISION (Photo) says: “We are thril­led that with ABC Design we are once again able to parti­ci­pate in a leading medium-sized company in Baden-Würt­­te­m­­berg. We parti­cu­larly appre­ciate the Fischer family’s contin­ued active role as co-part­­ners and in the opera­tio­nal manage­ment of the company. For INVISION, the focus is always on ensu­ring that the company succes­sion is a good solu­tion for the foun­ding family, manage­ment, employees, custo­mers and suppli­ers. Toge­ther with the Fischer family, we have succee­ded in doing this with ABC Design.”

About ABC Design
ABC Design ( designs, deve­lops, sources, markets and sells strol­lers in a variety of styles. Foun­ded in 1989, the family-owned company has estab­lished itself as the market leader in Germany thanks to its strikin­gly good price-perfor­­mance ratio. ABC Design is active on a variety of commu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels and can thus address and serve whole­sa­lers, retail­ers and end custo­mers alike. The company employs around 40 people, most of whom are active at the head­quar­ters in Albbruck DE.

About Invi­sion
Since its foun­da­tion in 1997, Invi­sion has successfully deve­lo­ped into one of the leading invest­ment compa­nies for corpo­rate succes­sion and growth finan­cing in Europe. Invi­sion has inves­ted more than EUR 750 million of equity in over 50 compa­nies during this time, achie­ving sustainable value growth. Invi­sion sees itself as an entre­pre­neu­rial part­ner for foun­ders, entre­pre­neurs and manage­ment teams. In its enga­ge­ments, Invi­sion places parti­cu­lar empha­sis on under­stan­ding the speci­fic needs of compa­nies and entre­pre­neurs and deve­lo­ping custo­mi­zed solu­ti­ons. Invi­sion invests in estab­lished medium-sized compa­nies, espe­ci­ally in succes­sion constel­la­ti­ons.

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