
Jones Day Advises Celonis on US$50 Million Series B Financing

Cate­gory: Deals
19. July 2018

Munich, Germany — Jones Day advi­sed Celo­nis SE, a soft­ware company based in Munich and New York, in connec­tion with a US$50 million Series B finan­cing round for parti­ci­pa­tion by exis­ting inves­tors Accel and 83North. The Series B finan­cing round was based on a US$1 billion enter­prise valua­tion of Celo­nis SE.

Since its foun­ding in 2011, Celo­nis has become a pioneer in the field of process mining. Based on this tech­no­logy, the Celo­nis Intel­li­gent Busi­ness System helps compa­nies under­stand and improve opera­tio­nal process flows. The current invest­ment will be used for further invest­ments in rese­arch & deve­lo­p­ment and support the global expan­sion plans. The US head­quar­ters in New York, which opened in Septem­ber 2016, grew tenfold last year, new offices were added in London, Boston, Raleigh and Miami, and the site in the Nether­lands was expan­ded. Growth targets since the June 2016 Series A invest­ment of $27.5 million have all been exceeded.

Jones Day alre­ady advi­sed Celo­nis, which was still opera­ting as a limi­ted liabi­lity company at the time, in its first Series A finan­cing round. At US$ 27 million, the volume was very high for a venture capi­tal finan­cing in the German market and the legal struc­ture unusually complex. Among other things, the company was conver­ted into an SE (Socie­tas Euro­paea) with a moni­stic board of direc­tors by way of a down­stream merger after the investment.

Advi­sor Celo­nis: Jones Day
Ivo Poslu­schny, Photo (Lead Part­ner, Private Equity, Munich), Dr. Kars­ten Müller-Eising (Banking, Finance & Secu­ri­ties, Frank­furt), Dr. Markus Fisch (M&A, Munich).

About Jones Day
Jones Day is one of the world’s best and most diver­si­fied commer­cial law firms and has been reco­gni­zed for years as the most client-focu­­sed firm. Jones Day advi­ses and repres­ents more than half of the DAX 30 compa­nies and has been the number one firm by number of M&A deals comple­ted world­wide without inter­rup­tion since 2000 (Thom­son and Bloom­berg). The firm employs more than 2,500 lawy­ers in 43 busi­ness and finan­cial centers world­wide — inclu­ding about 600 in Europe and 200 in Asia. In Germany, the firm is repre­sen­ted by more than 100 profes­sio­nals in Düssel­dorf, Frank­furt and Munich.

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