Photo: Dr. Bernhard Fiedler, Partner at Norton Rose in Frankfurt a. Main (© Norton Rose)

Kommunalkredit Austria finances thermondo’s acquisition of solar energy FeBeSol

Photo: Dr. Bern­hard Fied­ler, Part­ner at Norton Rose in Frank­furt a. Main (© Norton Rose)
16. Septem­ber 2024

Berlin — Global law firm Norton Rose Fulbright has advi­sed Kommu­nal­kre­dit Austria AG on the finan­cing of ther­mondo GmbH in the amount of EUR 20 million for the acqui­si­tion of the solar energy company FeBe­Sol GmbH.
The finan­cing consists of a fixed term loan faci­lity in the amount of EUR 17 million and a revol­ving term loan faci­lity in the amount of EUR 3 million.
Berlin-based ther­mondo GmbH is Germany’s largest heat pump instal­ler with over 600 perma­nent employees.
Since it was foun­ded in 2013, the company says it has repla­ced over 50,000 heating systems in Germany with heat pumps.
ther­mondo is backed by Cana­dian inves­tor Brook­field Infra­struc­ture Part­ners and German inves­tors E.ON, HV Capi­tal, Vorwerk, Rocket Inter­net and 10x.
FeBe­Sol GmbH, based in Sankt Leon-Rot in southern Germany, is a solar energy company foun­ded in 2009 that supports its custo­mers from plan­ning and appli­ca­tion to the instal­la­tion and main­ten­ance of solar systems.
To date, the company has instal­led more than 6,000 photo­vol­taic systems in Germany and abroad.
The acqui­si­tion of FeBe­Sol makes ther­mondo one of the top 10 play­ers on the German photo­vol­taic market and conso­li­da­tes its leading posi­tion on the German B2C heat pump market.
Kommu­nal­kre­dit Austria AG, based in Vienna, is a specia­list bank for infra­struc­ture and energy finan­cing in Europe.
From the provi­sion of debt and subor­di­na­ted capi­tal to mezza­nine and bridge finan­cing and equity, the company offers flexi­ble finan­cing solu­ti­ons across the entire capi­tal struc­ture. Kommu­nal­kre­dit Austria was advi­sed by an inter­na­tio­nal team from Norton Rose Fulbright led by Frank­furt part­ner Dr. Bern­hard Fied­ler (Banking/Finance).
In addi­tion, the team consis­ted of Jan Peter Weiland (Coun­sel, London), Lenka Mich­alko (Senior Asso­ciate), Kris­tina Thie­le­mann (Asso­ciate) (both Frank­furt, Banking/Finance) as well as Bernd Dreier (Part­ner, Munich) and Dr. Malte Ingwer­sen (Coun­sel, Hamburg) (both Corporate/M&A).
ther­mondo was advi­sed by Lupp+Partner. About Norton Rose Fulbright Norton Rose Fulbright is a global commer­cial law firm. With more than 3,500 lawy­ers at over 50 loca­ti­ons world­wide in Europe, the USA, Canada, Latin America, Asia, Austra­lia, Africa and the Middle East, we advise leading natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal compa­nies. We offer our clients compre­hen­sive advice in all major indus­tries. These include Finan­cial Insti­tu­ti­ons; Energy; Infra­struc­ture, Mining and Commo­di­ties; Trans­por­ta­tion; Tech­no­logy and Inno­va­tion; and Life Scien­ces and Health­care. Our global Risk Advi­sory Group combi­nes this exten­sive indus­try expe­ri­ence with its exper­tise in legal, regu­la­tory, compli­ance and gover­nance matters. This enables us to provide our clients with prac­ti­cal solu­ti­ons to the legal and regu­la­tory risks they face. Where­ver we operate, we act in accordance with our busi­ness prin­ci­ples of “Quality, Unity and Inte­grity”. We provide legal services of the highest stan­dard and main­tain this level of quality in every cont­act. The Swiss asso­cia­tion Norton Rose Fulbright helps to coor­di­nate the acti­vi­ties of Norton Rose Fulbright members, but does not provide legal advice to clients. Norton Rose Fulbright has offices in more than 50 cities world­wide, inclu­ding London, Hous­ton, New York, Toronto, Mexico City, Hong Kong, Sydney and Johan­nes­burg. For more infor­ma­tion, visit

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