
LUTZ | ABEL advises klarx on series B round of 12.5 million euros

26. Septem­ber 2019

Munich — Munich-based start-up klarx secu­res EUR 12.5 million in a Series B finan­cing round. The lead inves­tor is B&C Inno­va­tion Invest­ments (BCII), and the former inves­tor Target Global is also parti­ci­pa­ting again. LUTZ | ABEL is advi­sing klarx in this finan­cing round.

Foun­ded in Munich in 2015 by brot­hers Florian and Matthias Hand­schuh and Vincent Koch, klarx is now one of the leading rental portals for cons­truc­tion machi­nery with over 50,000 rental requests proces­sed by now. The start-up aims to tap into the €25 billion market volume of the digi­tal rental market for cons­truc­tion equip­ment in Europe. The online rental plat­form now has 4,000 regis­tered part­ners and more than a quar­ter of a million pieces of light equip­ment with their tech­ni­cal data. In order to be able to provide cons­truc­tion custo­mers with a complete package of service and billing, klarx rents the equip­ment itself and subse­quently sublets complete cons­truc­tion site faci­li­ties, inclu­ding trans­port and insu­rance cover, to its customers.

With the help of Series B finan­cing, klarx is incre­asingly focu­sing on the inter­na­tio­nal market and the further deve­lo­p­ment of the plat­form into a digi­tal sche­du­ling tool for land­lords and cons­truc­tion compa­nies from all over Europe. The start-up aims to digi­tize the cons­truc­tion indus­try with its tech­no­logy plat­form. In addi­tion to lead inves­tor B&C Inno­va­tion Invest­ments (BCII), legacy inves­tor Target Global again parti­ci­pa­ted in the financing.

Consul­tant klarx: LUTZ | ABEL
Dr. Marco Eick­mann (Lead Part­ner), Phil­ipp Hoene and Dr. Sebas­tian Sumalvico

About B&C Inno­va­tion Invest­ments GmbH
B&C Inno­va­tion Invest­ments GmbH (BCII) invests in inno­va­tive growth compa­nies with a tech­no­lo­gi­cal back­ground that are rele­vant to the indus­try and thus to the “old economy”. The focus is on high-impact start-up teams, which BCII supports as an inves­tor and active shareholder.

BCII’s invest­ments are aimed at foun­ding teams pursuing busi­ness models with a tech­no­lo­gi­cal or inno­va­tive core and promi­sing growth oppor­tu­ni­ties. The aim of BCII is not “merely” to support foun­ding teams with capi­tal, but to network them with estab­lished compa­nies and estab­lish them in the market.

BCII does not pursue a manda­tory exit stra­tegy in its invest­ments. Longer-term part­ner­ships with growth compa­nies are also conceiva­ble for BCII under the condi­tion of value-enhan­cing development.

In addi­tion to its majo­rity share­hol­dings in AMAG, Lenzing, Sempe­rit and its long-stan­­ding acti­vi­ties in the area of rese­arch promo­tion, the B&C Group is thus provi­ding further impe­tus for Austria as a busi­ness location.

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