Photo: Estelle Merle (left) and Charlotte Pallua, founders of Topi, Berlin (© topi)

Macquarie Bank provides new funding of € 50 million for Topi

Photo: Estelle Merle (left) and Char­lotte Pallua, foun­ders of Topi, Berlin (© topi)
20. August 2024

Berlin — Macqua­rie Bank is faci­li­ta­ting new funding for the rental fintech Topi, which has grown stron­gly over the past year.
Further growth is now to be finan­ced: Macqua­rie Bank Europe is provi­ding a credit line of 50 million euros — linked to indi­vi­dual inte­rim targets.
Previously, promi­nent venture capi­ta­lists such as Index Ventures and Crean­dum had inves­ted a total of 50 million dollars in the young company, part of which alre­ady consis­ted of a credit line. Topi turno­ver increased twenty-fold The Topi foun­ders Char­lotte Pallua and Estelle Merle (photo © topi) toge­ther with online retail­ers such as Conrad and Cyber­port, who offer “Rent with Topi” as a payment method for corpo­rate custo­mers along­side PayPal, credit cards and the like.
topi offers retail­ers a hard­­ware-as-a-service plat­form through which they can offer their products for rent.
— With this finan­cing, topi wants to conti­nue to grow in both the German and Austrian markets.
Along­side this loan finan­cing, Macqua­rie has also inves­ted in the fintech start-up so that “our refi­nan­cing part­ners have an inte­rest in the over­all long-term success”, says Char­lotte Pallua, one of the two founders.
Char­lotte Pallua came up with her start-up idea during her job at tech company Apple.
At the time, she was analy­zing possi­ble subscrip­tion programs for iPho­nes — and thought about offe­ring the service to diffe­rent companies.
Corpo­rate custo­mers can now rent smart­phones, laptops, robots and other devices from the Berlin-based company Topi, which Pallua foun­ded toge­ther with Estelle Merle.
To date, the propor­tion of women in many deve­lo­p­ment teams at German start-ups has been low.
At topi, the propor­tion of women is high.
The fintech curr­ently employs 35+ people. Advi­sor topi: Vogel Heerma Waitz Dr. Clemens Waitz and Dr. Lorenz Frey from the law firm Vogel Heerma Waitz advi­sed the fintech topi on this financing.
The company raised EUR 50 million from the Austra­lian invest­ment bank Macquarie.
The new finan­cing consists partly of equity, but also of funds to refi­nance new products.
Dr. Clemens Waitz, Dr. Lorenz Frey Vogel Heerma Waitz is a Berlin-based law firm specia­li­zing in growth capi­tal, tech­no­logy and media.

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