Photo: Dr. Heiner Feldhaus, Partner at Gütt Olk Feldhaus, Munich (Photo: GOF)

Maxburg Capital sells GfS Sicherheitstechnik to ASSA ABLOY

Photo: Dr. Heiner Feld­haus, Part­ner at Gütt Olk Feld­haus, Munich (Photo: GOF)
26. March 2025

Munich — Maxburg Betei­li­gun­gen has sold its port­fo­lio company GfS Gesell­schaft für Sicher­heits­tech­nik to ASSA ABLOY Sicher­heits­tech­nik GmbH. The commer­cial law firm Gütt Olk Feld­haus advi­sed Maxburg on this transaction. 

GfS Gesell­schaft für Sicher­heits­tech­nik mbH is one of the leading Euro­pean manu­fac­tu­r­ers of escape route secu­rity systems. The owner-mana­­ged family busi­ness from Hamburg has been deve­lo­ping, manu­fac­tu­ring and selling these for over 40 years. Custo­mers include retail stores, hospi­tals, nursing homes, airports and museums.

Maxburg Betei­li­gun­gen, an invest­ment company focu­sed on the German-spea­king region and advi­sed by Maxburg Capi­tal Part­ners, concen­tra­tes on long-term corpo­rate invest­ments. Maxburg invests in both priva­tely held and listed companies. 

Legal advi­sors Maxburg Betei­li­gun­gen: Gütt Olk Feld­haus, Munich

Dr. Heiner Feld­haus (Part­ner, lead, M&A/corporate law), Dr. Tilmann Gütt (Part­ner, banking/finance law), Thomas Becker (Of Coun­sel, IP/IT/data protec­tion and commer­cial), Matthias Uelner (Coun­sel), Sophie Stef­fen (Asso­ciate) (both M&A/corporate law), Anja Schmidt (Asso­ciate, banking/finance law)
Pusch Wahlig Work­place Law, Munich: Ingo Sappa (Part­ner, Employ­ment Law)
Kind & Drews, Düssel­dorf: Dr. Ernesto Drews (Part­ner, Tax Law)

Legal advi­sors ASSA ABLOY: Clif­ford Chance, Frankfurt 

Dr. Moritz Peter­sen (Part­ner), Helge Brück, Nata­lie Hember­ger (both Asso­cia­tes; all Corporate/M&A)

About Maxburg Capi­tal Partners

Maxburg Capi­tal Part­ners is an invest­ment manage­ment company focu­sed on the German-spea­king region. Foun­ded by three part­ners with many years of expe­ri­ence as entre­pre­neurs and inves­tors in public and private equity, Maxburg focu­ses on long-term corpo­rate invest­ments with the aim of achie­ving lasting and sustainable value growth. On the basis of seve­ral funds and a total fund volume of € 600 million, Maxburg has an excep­tio­nally flexi­ble invest­ment mandate: we actively invest across the entire range of capi­tal struc­tures — from equity to equity-rela­­ted finan­cing opti­ons such as mezza­nine and mezza­­nine-like forms of invest­ment. We hold both majo­rity and mino­rity inte­rests in compa­nies.

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