Photo: Dr. Jan Hückel, Partner at McDermott Will & Emery, Düsseldorf © McDermott

McDermott advises Great Point Partners on the acquisition of Lyocontract

Photo: Dr. Jan Hückel, Part­ner at McDer­mott Will & Emery, Düssel­dorf © McDermott
30. August 2024

Düsseldorf/Munich — McDer­mott Will & Emery has advi­sed Great Point Part­ners (GPP) on the acqui­si­tion of contract deve­lo­p­ment and manu­fac­tu­ring orga­niza­tion (CDMO) Lyocon­tract GmbH.
The senior secu­red loan provi­ded by Rantum Private Debt Fund III serves as part of the purchase price finan­cing for this acquisition.
— The tran­sac­tion marks the first invest­ment by the Euro­pean arm of GPP Great Point Part­ners, which recently estab­lished a presence in London.
A McDer­mott team of German and US lawy­ers led by Dr. Jan Hückel and Ludwig Zesch provi­ded compre­hen­sive advice on the M&A tran­sac­tion, inclu­ding the acqui­si­tion finan­cing by Rantum Capi­tal. Great Point Part­ners, head­quar­te­red in Green­wich, Conne­ti­cut, is a leading invest­ment firm focu­sed on the health­care industry.
Since its foun­ding in 2003, GPP has provi­ded growth capi­tal and manage­ment buyout finan­cing to more than 100 growth-orien­­ted companies.
GPP is curr­ently making new mino­rity and majo­rity private equity invest­ments from its GPP IV fund. Rantum Capi­tal is a mid-market finan­cier for the German-spea­king region (DACH), foun­ded by finan­cial profes­sio­nals, successful entre­pre­neurs and former DAX top managers.
Rantum Capi­tal curr­ently mana­ges three private debt funds focu­sed on flexi­ble, custo­mi­zed debt finan­cing and one private equity fund focu­sed on majo­rity invest­ments in mid-market companies.
Lyocon­tract GmbH, foun­ded in 2007, is an inde­pen­dent contract deve­lo­p­ment and manu­fac­tu­ring company based in Ilsen­berg, Germany.
The company specia­li­zes in the produc­tion of liquid and lyophi­li­zed paren­te­ral drugs, which are distri­bu­ted world­wide for both clini­cal and commer­cial appli­ca­ti­ons. Advi­sor Great Point Part­ners: McDer­mott Will & Emery, Düsseldorf/Munich Dr. Jan Hückel (Corporate/M&A, Düssel­dorf), Ludwig Zesch (Finance, Munich; both lead), Robert K. Clagg (Chicago, Corporate/M&A), Daniel N. Zucker (Chicago), Alex Farr (Dallas), Michael J. Bruno (Miami), Daniel J. Bell (Washing­ton, DC), Dr. Maxi­mi­lian Meyer (Coun­sel, Frank­furt), Sarah Gabbai (Coun­sel, London; all Tax), Chris­tian Krohs, Carina Kant (both Düsseldorf/Cologne), Dr. Laura Stamm­witz (Coun­sel, Frank­furt), Timo­thy Carson (Coun­sel, Washing­ton, DC; all Anti­trust), Dr. Alexa Ningel­gen (Public Law), Dr. Thomas Gennert (Employ­ment Law; both Düssel­dorf), Jana Grieb (Health­care & Life Scien­ces, Frank­furt); Asso­cia­tes: Dr. Alex­an­der Hoppe, Darius M. Mosleh (both Corporate/M&A, Düssel­dorf), Jeff Cass­idy, Joe Luzad­der, Betty Migue­lina Brito (all Corporate/M&A, Chicago), Matthias M. Bosbach, Romy Lanz (both Finance), Julian Rößler-Weis, Dr. Anja Bert­rand, Max Kütt­ner (all Anti­trust; all Düssel­dorf), Alex­an­dra Heberle (Healthcare/Regulatory, Frank­furt), Dr. Tim Weill (Public Law), Lukas Deutz­mann (Employ­ment; both Düssel­dorf), Carina Schüt­ze­berg (Frank­furt)

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