Photo: Markus Döllner, Counsel at PÖLLATH Munich (Photo © Poellath)

POELLATH advises Mavie on the majority takeover of wellabe

Photo: Markus Döll­ner, Coun­sel at PÖLLATH Munich (Photo © Poellath)
6. Septem­ber 2024

Munich — Mavie, the leading provi­der of work­place health promo­tion in Austria, is expan­ding into the German market by acqui­ring a majo­rity stake in wellabe.
The stra­te­gic part­ner­ship offers compa­nies and employees a more compre­hen­sive range of services to promote physi­cal and mental health with inno­va­tive solu­ti­ons and a strong network of experts.
Mavie, an inno­va­tive holi­stic health­care provi­der from Austria, is ente­ring the German market with the acqui­si­tion of a 60% stake in the Health­Tech start-up wellabe.
wellabe offers health check-ups at the work­place and perso­na­li­zed, digi­tal preven­tion programs.
With their mobile health stati­ons, they provide employees with a compre­hen­sive insight into their current health status in less than 20 minutes.
The results are available to parti­ci­pants in real time in the wellabe app and can be discus­sed with a health coach as part of a video consultation.
By acqui­ring a majo­rity stake in wellabe, Mavie is taking a further step in its expan­sion stra­tegy and conso­li­da­ting its posi­tion as a leading provi­der of work­place health promo­tion in Austria.
Buil­ding on Mavie Work’s strong market posi­tion in Austria, the company will work with wellabe to offer an even broa­der range of inno­va­tive health services for compa­nies in future. wellabe: Health­Tech startup for healt­hier coope­ra­tion Foun­ded in Germany in 2018, the Health­Tech startup wellabe curr­ently supports around 100 B2B custo­mers in the field of occu­pa­tio­nal healthcare.
With health check-ups at the work­place, perso­na­li­zed, digi­tal preven­tion programs and mobile health stati­ons, the company gives parti­ci­pants a compre­hen­sive insight into their current health status.
The resul­ting data-based recom­men­da­ti­ons are tail­o­red to the speci­fic needs of the parti­ci­pants and support them in making sustainable life­style changes.
Over­all, risk factors can be iden­ti­fied in good time and life­style dise­a­ses can be proac­tively prevented.
The company is owned by the Austrian health­care provi­der Mavie and SANA Klini­ken AG, the third-largest private clinic opera­tor in Germany. Mavie Work: Number 1 in Austria Mavie Work is a leading provi­der of work­place health promo­tion in Austria and supports compa­nies and their employees on the path to a healt­hier organization.
Mavie’s port­fo­lio includes ever­y­thing that helps orga­niza­ti­ons and their employees stay healthy.
The services are holi­stic, encom­pass physi­cal and mental health and range from modern, low-thres­­hold diagno­stic services to exer­cise programs, mental coaching and nutri­tio­nal advice.
EAP (Employee Assis­tance Program) is dedi­ca­ted to the mental health of employees in confi­den­tial perso­nal consultations.
Mana­gers are supported with coaching, semi­nars and training.
Mavie curr­ently supports around 190 compa­nies with around 145,000 employees.
Mavie is backed by expe­ri­en­ced and passio­nate health experts who are commit­ted to making a lasting and tangi­ble diffe­rence to health. Mavie: inno­va­tive holi­stic health provi­der Mavie has been active as a group of compa­nies since 2020. The Group’s aim is to deve­lop into a holi­stic, modern health­care provi­der that supports and accom­pa­nies people throug­hout their lives in main­tai­ning and impro­ving their health.
Mavie focu­ses on preven­tion (stay­ing healthy) and reha­bi­li­ta­tion (getting healthy).
Offers are available to both end custo­mers (B2C) and corpo­rate part­ners (B2B).
Mavie is alre­ady active with offe­rings such as Mavie Work, a provi­der of occu­pa­tio­nal health­care with around 190 corpo­rate custo­mers throug­hout Austria.
The port­fo­lio also includes cura domo, the Austrian market leader in 24-hour care and an expert in active & assis­ted ageing with more than 2,500 caregivers.
This is comple­men­ted by MavieMe, inno­va­tive home tests for blood and gut micro­biome, both of which can be carried out conve­ni­ently and easily from home.
In addi­tion, Mavie coope­ra­tes with the Premi­Qa­Med Group in the deve­lo­p­ment of health­care services such as Health Mobil, a mobile health­care service for companies.
As a holi­stic health­care provi­der and stra­te­gic inves­tor, Mavie focu­ses on exis­ting busi­ness models and inno­va­tions in equal measure, iden­ti­fy­ing, deve­lo­ping and scaling them to make them acces­si­ble to as many people as possible.
Mavie sees itself as an inno­va­tor and busi­ness part­ner and invests in compa­nies that fit its stra­te­gic focus in the health­care sector and with which joint busi­ness models can be deve­lo­ped through colla­bo­ra­tion. POELLATH provi­ded compre­hen­sive legal advice to Mavie with the follo­wing team:Chris­tian Tönies, LL.M. Eur. (Part­ner, Co-Lead, M&A/VC, Munich) Markus Döll­ner (Photo © Poellath) , LL.M.
(London) (Coun­sel, Co-Lead, M&A/VC, Munich) Dr. Sebas­tian Gerlin­ger, LL.M.
(Part­ner, M&A/VC, Munich) Chris­tine Funk, LL.M. (Coun­sel, IP/IT, Frank­furt aM)
Marvin May (Asso­ciate, Employ­ment Law, Munich)

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