Photo: A Vorwerk hydrogen plant

Successful IPO of Friedrich Vorwerk Group SE on Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Cate­gory: Deals
Photo: A Vorwerk hydro­gen plant
24. March 2021

Frank­furt a.M. — McDer­mott Will & Emery advi­ses Fried­rich Vorwerk Group SE on its successful IPO in the Prime Stan­dard segment of the Frank­furt Stock Exchange.

A total of 9.2 million shares were placed at a price of 45 euros per share. Of this amount, 2.0 million came from a capi­tal increase and 6.0 million from the holdings of the exis­ting share­hol­ders MBB SE and ALX Betei­li­gungs­ge­sell­schaft mbH. In addi­tion, 1.2 million shares were allot­ted to exis­ting share­hol­ders under an over-allo­t­­ment option. The total place­ment volume thus amounts to 414 million euros. The first day of trading on the Regu­la­ted Market of the Frank­furt Stock Exch­ange is expec­ted to be March 25, 2021.

The IPO was supported by Beren­berg and Jeffe­ries as Joint Global Coor­di­na­tors and by Hauck & Aufhäu­ser as Joint Bookrunner.

“The IPO gives us the oppor­tu­nity to play a decisive role in shaping the energy tran­si­tion and, in parti­cu­lar, to expand in the growing markets for hydro­gen and the expan­sion of elec­tri­city high­ways,” says Torben Klein­feldt, CEO of the Vorwerk Group and share­hol­der, explai­ning the company’s decis­ion to go public.

Fried­rich Vorwerk is a leading provi­der of energy infra­struc­ture solu­ti­ons for gas, elec­tri­city and hydro­gen appli­ca­ti­ons. Fried­rich Vorwerk plans to use the gross proceeds of 90 million euros from the newly issued shares to signi­fi­cantly expand its busi­ness over the next few years, parti­cu­larly in the areas of elec­tri­city and clean hydrogen.

McDer­mott has a long-stan­­ding client rela­ti­onship with the medium-sized, family-owned invest­ment company MBB SE. McDer­mott alre­ady advi­sed MBB subsi­diary Aumann AG on its IPO in 2017.

Advi­sors to Fried­rich Vorwerk Group SE: McDer­mott Will & Emery, Frankfurt
Simon Weiß, Joseph W. Marx (both Capi­tal Markets, both Lead), Dr. Phil­ipp Gren­ze­bach (Corpo­rate, Düssel­dorf), Edwin C. Lauren­son (Senior Coun­sel, Capi­tal Markets, San Francisco/New York); Asso­cia­tes: Isabelle Müller, Elena Platte, LL.M., Chris­toph Schä­fer, Tom Schä­fer (all Corporate)

About McDer­mott Will & Emery
McDer­mott Will & Emery is a leading inter­na­tio­nal law firm. With over 1,200 attor­neys, we are repre­sen­ted in 21 loca­ti­ons world­wide: Atlanta, Boston, Brussels, Chicago, Dallas, Düssel­dorf, Frank­furt a. M., Hous­ton, Colo­gne, London, Los Ange­les, Miami, Milan, Munich, New York, Orange County, Paris, San Fran­cisco, Sili­con Valley, Washing­ton, D.C. and Wilm­ing­ton. The German prac­tice is mana­ged by McDer­mott Will & Emery Rechts­an­wälte Steu­er­be­ra­ter LLP.

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