Photo: Daniel Geiger, Partner at RIVEAN Capital in Frankfurt a. Main (©Rivean Capital)

TonerPartner Group takes over competitor Trensco

Photo: Daniel Geiger, Part­ner at RIVEAN Capi­tal in Frank­furt a. Main (©Rivean Capital)
17. Septem­ber 2024

Hattingen/Uelzen — The Rivean subsi­diary Toner­Part­ner Group, one of the leading online retail­ers of prin­ter ink and toner in Europe, is streng­thening its market posi­tion by acqui­ring its compe­ti­tor Trensco.
Rivean Capi­tal has owned the Toner­Part­ner Group since 2021.
— Toner­Part­ner acqui­res 100 percent of Trensco GmbH und Co KG in Uelzen with its sales brands HD Toner and HQ-Fit.
This crea­tes the largest German online distri­bu­tor in this sector with around one million active custo­mers and an annual turno­ver of over 100 million euros.
Follo­wing the acqui­si­tion of the French provi­der SAS in 2021 and the purchase of one year later, the Toner­Part­ner Group is thus conti­nuing its dyna­mic growth.
“HD Toner serves an impres­sive number of private and busi­ness custo­mers. We see strong growth poten­tial for the company through opti­mi­zed, AI-supported online marke­ting, syner­gies in purcha­sing and the marke­ting of our sustainable products under our own ‘Green Line’ brand to HD Toner custo­mers,” says Toner­Part­ner Group CEO Morten Severon.
He adds: “With products rela­ting to sport and fitness, which are sold under HQ-Fit, the Uelzen-based company has successfully estab­lished a second main­stay that is also of inte­rest to the Toner­Part­ner Group.”
The Trensco products will conti­nue to be sold under the estab­lished HD Toner and HQ-Fit brands.
“The Toner­Part­ner Group provi­des Trensco with comple­tely new growth oppor­tu­ni­ties. Toge­ther with the Toner­Part­ner Group’s strong brands, a highly profes­sio­nal sales plat­form and excel­lent know-how, we know that Trensco and its employees are in the best hands,” empha­size Anja and Patric Weiß, foun­ders and mana­ging direc­tors of Trensco.
“With the acqui­si­tion of Trensco, Rivean Capi­tal is inves­t­ing further in the Toner­Part­ner plat­form and signi­fi­cantly expan­ding its market posi­tion. This is another exam­ple of Rivean Capital’s role as a growth part­ner for entre­pre­neurs in the SME sector,” says Andreas Klab, Part­ner and Head of Rivean Capital’s German office. Rivean Capi­tal has owned the Toner­Part­ner Group since 2021. Relo­ca­tion of logi­stics from Hattin­gen to Uelzen in 2025 The Toner­Part­ner Group’s admi­nis­tra­tive loca­tion will remain in North Rhine-Westphalia.
The logi­stics center will move to Uelzen, where Trensco has its own warehouse.
The lease for the logi­stics warehouse in Hattin­gen (North Rhine-West­­pha­­lia) will expire in the middle of next year due to the landlord’s new deve­lo­p­ment plans. About Rivean Capi­tal Rivean Capi­tal is a leading Euro­pean private equity inves­tor for mid-market tran­sac­tions with acti­vi­ties in the DACH region, the Bene­lux count­ries and Italy.
Funds advi­sed by Rivean Capi­tal manage assets in excess of €5 billion.
Since its foun­da­tion in 1982, Rivean Capi­tal has supported more than 250 compa­nies in reali­zing their growth targets.
In Germany, Rivean Capi­tal is inves­ted in the follo­wing compa­nies in addi­tion to Toner­Part­ner: Data­ci­ders, Green Mobi­lity Holding, ]init[ AG für digi­tale Kommu­ni­ka­tion and Best4Tires.

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