Photo: Manuel-Peter Fringer, Partner at Weil in Munich

Weil to grow by more than 5% in 2020 — Manuel-Peter Fringer becomes partner

Cate­gory: People
Photo: Manuel-Peter Fringer, Part­ner at Weil in Munich
25. Novem­ber 2020

Frank­furt a. M./ Munich — The German offices of the inter­na­tio­nal law firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP have again recor­ded good growth > of 5 percent in the current fiscal year due to their good market posi­tion, espe­ci­ally in the areas of restruc­tu­ring and private equity. To reflect this once again very posi­tive deve­lo­p­ment, the follo­wing lawy­ers have been appoin­ted Coun­sel with effect from Janu­ary 1, 2021: Dr. Matthias Eiden (Restruc­tu­ring, Frank­furt), Julian Schwa­ne­beck (Private Equity, Frank­furt), Florian Wessel (Private Equity, Munich).

In addi­tion, Manuel-Peter Fringer (photo) was also elec­ted part­ner of the firm effec­tive Janu­ary 1, 2021. Mr. Fringer is a part­ner in the private equity prac­tice in the firm’s Munich office and advi­ses on cross-border tran­sac­tions. Most recently, he advi­sed KKR and Noval­pina Capi­tal, among others, on various transactions.
“The elec­tion of Manuel-Peter Fringer as Part­ner, as well as the appoint­ment of three addi­tio­nal attor­neys in both of the firm’s German offices as Coun­sel, is a reflec­tion of the firm’s contin­ued success story and will allow us to conti­nue to capi­ta­lize on future growth poten­tial and further expand our market posi­tion,” said Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schmidt, Mana­ging Part­ner of the German offices.

Below is a list of some of the manda­tes that the firm has acted as legal coun­sel for this year, and which have contri­bu­ted signi­fi­cantly to its success:
* Exide Tech­no­lo­gies as part of a compre­hen­sive restruc­tu­ring of the entire Group and a realignment of the Euro­pean group of compa­nies (Germany, France, Scan­di­na­via, Bene­lux, Spain, Portu­gal) and its subse­quent sale
* Advent Inter­na­tio­nal on the acqui­si­tion of a stake in Aareon AG
* Olym­pic Enter­tain­ment Group (share­hol­der Noval­pina Capi­tal) in the realignment of its online busi­ness activities.
* Inter­na­tio­nal inves­tor group in the bidding process for Avaloq
* Terreal when buying Creaton
* Santé Cie (port­fo­lio company of Ardian) on the acqui­si­tion of Aposan.

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