
ZEG sells majority stake in Eurorad to investor Bencis

22. March 2024

Colo­gne — The Colo­­gne-based Zwei­rad-Einkaufs-Gemein­­schaft eG (ZEG) has sold a majo­rity stake in its subsi­diary Euro­rad Deutsch­land GmbH (service bike leasing, Travel­bike) to the Düssel­­dorf-based growth finan­cier Bencis Capi­tal Part­ners Deutsch­land GmbH. No details have been published about the purchase price or which Euro­rad majo­rity share the inves­tor now holds. BELGRAVIA & CO. advi­sed ZEG Zwei­rad-Einkaufs-Genos­­sen­­schaft eG on the tran­sac­tion of EURORAD to BENCIS.

With Bencis behind them, Euro­rad wants to set the course for growth. “Toge­ther with Bencis, the aim is to further expand the rele­vance of the successful company in a fast-growing market envi­ron­ment,” says ZEG head­quar­ters in Colo­gne. As part of the new part­ner­ship with Bencis, Euro­rad will grow by expan­ding its work­force and reali­zing new eMobi­lity offers.

At the same time, Eurorad’s goal for the future is “to be the service bike leasing provi­der of the trade for the trade. ZEG remains a share­hol­der in Euro­rad Deutsch­land GmbH. This enables dealers at the regio­nal loca­ti­ons to receive the best possi­ble support in acqui­ring leasing custo­mers. The sale of the shares is still subject to appr­oval by the anti­trust authorities.”

About Bencis

Bencis is an inde­pen­dent invest­ment company foun­ded in 1999 by Zoran van Gessel and Jeroen Pit. Bencis supports busi­ness owners and manage­ment teams in reali­zing their growth ambitions.
Bencis has been inves­t­ing in strong, successful compa­nies in the Nether­lands, Belgium and Germany for over 20 years. Our expe­ri­ence and exper­tise in sectors such as indus­trial and manu­fac­tu­ring, food and beverage, busi­ness and consu­mer services, health­care and leisure, and whole­sale and retail means we can add real value. “For us, the focus is not only on the company itself — above all, we support the people who want to build compa­nies and take them forward!”

Consul­tant ZEG Zwei­rad-Einkaufs-Genos­­sen­­schaft eG: BELGRAVIA & CO.

With our inter­na­tio­nally active team of experts specia­li­zing in SME manda­tes, you are in the best hands. We provide M&A advice, company acqui­si­ti­ons and sales and support for finan­cial inves­tors. We advise owners, (family-run) medium-sized compa­nies and invest­ment compa­nies with perso­nal commit­ment, dili­gence and crea­ti­vity throug­hout all phases of a tran­sac­tion — from the defi­ni­tion of stra­te­gic and finan­cial objec­ti­ves to corpo­rate finance manage­ment and the successful comple­tion of a tran­sac­tion. The company was foun­ded in 2012. The company is based in Colo­gne. BELGRAVIA & CO. has a repre­sen­ta­tive office in New York.



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