Foto: Das Ziel des VIF: Schutz vor Pandemien

Vector Innovation Fund: erster $300 million pandemic protection fund

Foto: Das Ziel des VIF: Schutz vor Pandemien
3. Februar 2021

Luxem­burg — Vector Inno­va­tion Fund GP S.à.r.l. (VIF) has now laun­ched an expec­ted $300 million pande­mic protec­tion sub-fund 1. This first sub-fund aims to invest in tech­no­lo­gies for pande­mic protec­tion and future health­care, aiding and support­ing precis­ion medi­cine, highly advan­ced point of care and AI tech­no­lo­gies to support the global economy, sustainable health­care, and life longe­vity. This first sub-fund’s objec­tive is to target commit­ments total­ling $300m due to a strong deal flow, with an expec­ted first close of $120m and a final close expec­ted within 19 months.

The Gene­ral Part­ners have an excel­lent track record in indus­try, health­care, tech­no­logy and invest­ment, with 21 exits and a total value crea­tion of $2.4billion, inclu­ding two successful IPOs.

VIF is a Reser­ved Alter­na­tive Invest­ment Fund based in Luxem­bourg has just been incor­po­ra­ted under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxem­bourg as a corpo­rate part­ner­ship limi­ted by shares (société en comman­dite par actions) quali­fy­ing as an invest­ment company with varia­ble capi­tal — reser­ved alter­na­tive invest­ment fund (société d’investissement à capi­tal varia­ble – fonds d’investissement alter­na­tif réservé) under the RAIF Law.

VIF has been set up as an umbrella struc­ture with sub-fund Vector Inno­va­tion Fund – Pande­mic Protec­tion Fund 1 at incor­po­ra­tion date. The Gene­ral Part­ner might, at its discre­tion, launch addi­tio­nal sub-funds (which may be open-ended or close-ended) each of which is repre­sen­ted by one or more Clas­ses of Shares. The fund quali­fies as an AIF within the meaning of the AIFM Law.

Each sub-fund shall consti­tute a distinct and segre­ga­ted part of the assets and liabi­li­ties of VIF’s umbrella structure.

Econo­mic fore­cas­ters say fall­out from COVID-19 is driving huge invest­ment within AI and Nano­tech­no­logy as health­care invest­ment is expec­ted to grow at a rate of nearly 50% extra a year towards a market set to be worth $1.333 tril­lion by 2027, accor­ding to Prece­dence Rese­arch 2020.

The Pande­mic Protec­tion sub-fund 1 plans to invest in sophisti­ca­ted biotech and nano­­tech­­no­­logy-based diagno­stics, biomar­kers, vacci­nes, novel thera­pies, highly targe­ted nano­me­di­ci­nes, and AI, allo­wing us to move to a more sustainable, digi­ti­sed, decen­tra­li­sed and demo­cra­tised point-of-care envi­ron­ment. The world cannot afford another pande­mic, the ongo­ing impact of long Covid symptoms will have a profound effect on health­care provi­sion for the next five to ten years. The world of invest­ment, indus­try and govern­ments are gearing up to be better prepared and are funding future the proof tech­no­lo­gies for global health.

These dyna­mic invest­ments will help to poten­ti­ally free up our econo­mies and future-proof us from infec­tious dise­a­ses as well as deve­lop solu­ti­ons to anti­bio­tic resis­tance, another global health­care chall­enge that only tech­no­logy can solve.

VIF, repre­sen­ted by its mana­ging gene­ral part­ner Vector Inno­va­tion GP, has also appoin­ted Fuchs Asset Manage­ment S.A., led by CEO Timo­the Fuchs. Fuchs Asset Manage­ment S.A. is a public limi­ted liabi­lity company based in Luxem­bourg, as the quali­fied Fund Mana­ger (AIFM) gover­ned under Luxem­bourg law for reser­ved alter­na­tive invest­ment funds under RAIF Law 2016.

The appoin­ted invest­ment advi­sor for the fund is Enab­ling Tech Invest­ment Advi­sors S.À R.L. who is also based and incor­po­ra­ted in Luxem­bourg under Luxem­bourg law. VIF’s depo­si­tory bank is Banque de Luxem­bourg. Other inter­na­tio­nal service provi­ders include Mait­land, Ashurst, The World Nano Foun­da­tion and World Science Aid.

The fund has brought toge­ther some of the world’s leading figu­res in biome­di­cine, advan­ced diagno­stics, nano biomar­kers, tele­me­di­cine, AI and machine lear­ning to acce­le­rate these trans­for­ma­tio­nal tech­no­lo­gies into the markets, backed by sophisti­ca­ted, UHNW and insti­tu­tio­nal inves­tors crea­ting poten­ti­ally one of the most dyna­mic inter­na­tio­nal invest­ment structures.

VIF’s fund invest­ment stra­tegy looks to deli­ver 25–30% esti­ma­ted gross IRR, 4x MOIC over the life of the fund with an esti­mate of 10–12 diver­si­fied invest­ments per sub-fund.

Each pros­pect company seeking invest­ment from VIF must demons­trate to our invest­ment advi­sors, our global advi­sory board, invest­ment commit­tee and fund mana­gers, their ability to commer­cia­lise highly disrup­tive tech­no­logy globally. For this, VIF uses its unique proprie­tary rating system for stra­tegy imple­men­ta­tion, using world-class bench­mark model­ling for tech­no­logy and health­care investment.

The Fund’s Enab­ling Tech­no­logy Invest­ment Advi­sors and global advi­sory board are inter­na­tio­nal leaders in these fields of exper­tise. This has been demons­tra­ted via previous start ups that have gone on to become ‘unicorns’, as well as our team’s wider expe­ri­ence with large conglo­me­ra­tes in terms of advi­sing and support­ing them on stra­tegy, scaling or commer­cia­li­sing disrup­tive inno­va­tions in inter­na­tio­nal markets.

One inter­na­tio­nal invest­ment plat­form is a Pande­mic Protec­tion alter­na­tive invest­ment fund opera­ted by Vector Inno­va­tion Fund in Luxem­bourg focu­sed on limi­ting the effect of long form Covid-19, insu­la­ting the world against the impact of future pande­mics, whilst mini­mi­sing any impact on the global economy and health­care provi­sion and prepared­ness. As well as this, the fund is commit­ted to enhan­cing the deve­lo­p­ment and preva­lence of nano­tech­no­logy in healthcare.

The Vector Inno­va­tion Fund is a Reser­ved Alter­na­tive Invest­ment Fund (RAIF) specia­li­sing in support for tech­no­logy compa­nies able to trans­form global markets, nota­bly in global health­care, sustaina­bi­lity and longe­vity. These trans­for­ma­tio­nal tech­no­lo­gies come from the nano­tech­no­logy, biotech, AI and machine lear­ning, medi­cal devices, thera­pies and digi­tal health sectors.

‍The Vector Inno­va­tion Fund (VIF) is a semi-regu­la­­ted alter­na­tive invest­ment fund based in Luxem­bourg and offers all the bene­fits a sophisti­ca­ted or accre­di­ted inter­na­tio­nal inves­tor would require and has seve­ral sub-funds: Pande­mic Protec­tion Fund, Enab­ling Tech­no­lo­gies Fund, Future Health­care Fund.

The VIF was incor­po­ra­ted on 30th Novem­ber 2020 for its first sub fund for Pande­mic Protec­tion Fund and Future Health­care.

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