Photo: Markus Herz, Partner at Kingwood & Wood Mallesons (KWM), © KWM

zvoove Group acquires Dutch software provider RecruitNow

Photo: Markus Herz, Part­ner at King­wood & Wood Malle­sons (KWM), © KWM
19. June 2023

Lohne — zvoove Group, the leading provi­der of digi­ta­liza­tion solu­ti­ons for staf­fing and clea­ning compa­nies in Europe, has acqui­red Recruit­Now, the market leader in the Nether­lands for ATS (Appli­cant Track­ing Systems) and recrui­ting solu­ti­ons for tempo­rary staf­fing compa­nies. Follo­wing the merger with ERP specia­list Pivo­ton last year, this makes the zvoove Group number one in the Dutch market for digi­tiza­tion solu­ti­ons in tempo­rary staf­fing and clea­ning services.

ATS solu­ti­ons play a criti­cal role in mana­ging and auto­ma­ting the recruit­ment process. Indus­try leader Recruit­Now is a fast-growing company with over 150 clients in the tempo­rary staf­fing indus­try and is based in Amers­fo­ort, the Nether­lands. The flag­ship product “Cock­pit” is a recruit­ment soft­ware with CRM that combi­nes job boards and online campaigns in one plat­form and signi­fi­cantly auto­ma­tes and acce­le­ra­tes the recruit­ment process.

Based in Amers­fo­ort, the Nether­lands, Recruit­Now is a fast-growing company serving more than 150 clients in the staf­fing services environment.

zvoove Group is the market-leading provi­der of digi­tiza­tion solu­ti­ons for person­nel and faci­lity service provi­ders in Europe, among others. After adding ERP manage­ment specia­list Pivo­ton from the Nether­lands to the group in 2022(KWM advi­ses on the acqui­si­tion of Pivo­ton), zvoove Group beco­mes number one in the Dutch market with the acqui­si­tion of RecruitNow.

zvoove Group and KWM were also supported by local advi­sory teams in the transaction.

Advi­sors to zvoove Group GmbH: King­wood & Wood Malle­sons (KWM)

Markus Herz,
Photo(Part­ner, Lead), Hanno Brandt (both Corporate/M&A)

About zvoove
The zvoove Group is the leading provi­der of SaaS solu­ti­ons for HR and buil­ding service provi­ders in Europe. In a dyna­mic ecosys­tem of service provi­ders, employees and compa­nies, zvoove impro­ves the world of work through end-to-end digi­ta­liza­tion for service provi­ders, more job oppor­tu­ni­ties and career pros­pects for employees and a secure work­force for compa­nies. Over 4,200 custo­mers and more than 55,000 end users alre­ady rely on zvoove. With zvoove’s solu­ti­ons, they manage 700,000 employees, 12 billion euros in annual payroll, and over one million inco­ming appli­ca­ti­ons per year. zvoove employs over 400 people at 13 loca­ti­ons in Europe.

About Recruit­Now
Recruit­Now, based in Amers­fo­ort, the Nether­lands, is the provi­der of the leading ATS solu­tion Cock­pit. Recruit­Now offers opti­miza­tion of the recrui­ting process and provi­des control, clarity and effec­ti­ve­ness. Custo­mers turn to Recruit­Now for relia­ble, best-in-class solu­ti­ons to simplify complex proces­ses. As a result of this achie­ve­ment, the company has grown to 60 employees and over 150 custo­mers in recent years.

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