Photo: The five UVC partners (from left): Benjamin Erhart, Johannes von Borries, Andreas Unseld, Dr. Ingo Potthof, Dr. Helmut Schönenberger (Photo: UVC)

Decision Intelligence: paretos closes Series A for 8.5 million euros

Photo: The five UVC part­ners (from left): Benja­min Erhart, Johan­nes von Borries, Andreas Unseld, Dr. Ingo Pott­hof, Dr. Helmut Schö­nen­ber­ger (Photo: UVC)
29. Octo­ber 2024

Heidelberg/ Munich — pare­tos, an AI (arti­fi­cial intelligence)-based decis­ion intel­li­gence startup from Heidel­berg, has secu­red 8.5 million euros in a Series A finan­cing round. The round is led by Acton Capi­tal, known for its invest­ments in compa­nies such as Etsy, Cyber­port and Home­ToGo. The exis­ting inves­tors UVC Part­ners and LEA Part­ners are also parti­ci­pa­ting. In addi­tion, well-known funds and angels such as Inter­face Capi­tal, led by Niklas Jansen (Blin­kist) and Chris­tian Reber (Wunder­list, Pitch), as well as the former Voda­fone CEO Hannes Amets­rei­ter are also provi­ding support. 

With the fresh capi­tal, pare­tos foun­ders Thors­ten Heilig and Fabian Rangplan to acce­le­rate growth: “Our plat­form usually deli­vers an ROI of over 100% in the first year and gene­ra­tes busi­ness impact in the milli­ons. With the support of our inves­tors, we want to further expand our tech­no­lo­gi­cal lead,” says Thors­ten Heilig, Co-Foun­­der and CEO of pare­tos. “Many compa­nies in Germany and Europe are curr­ently under pres­sure. We provide them with a tool to over­come the pres­sing chal­lenges — from chan­ging custo­mer requi­re­ments and complex supply chains to cost and effi­ci­ency pres­su­res.” The global market for decis­ion intel­li­gence is expec­ted to grow by 25% annu­ally until 2030 and quadru­ple to 50 billion euros (source: Marketsand­Mar­kets). Decis­ion intel­li­gence descri­bes the use of AI to support, opti­mize or even auto­mate complex decis­i­ons based on data. In addi­tion to fore­casts, the aim is to derive recom­men­da­ti­ons for action and measu­res — espe­ci­ally in dyna­mic plan­ning and opera­ti­ons proces­ses. This is why many experts see this tech­no­logy as simi­larly rele­vant to gene­ra­tive AI. “With its paten­ted and highly inno­va­tive tech­no­logy and strong appli­ca­tion focus, pare­tos has the best chance of taking on an inter­na­tio­nal pionee­ring role,” says Andreas Unseld, Gene­ral Part­ner at UVC Part­ners. And Nils Seele, Part­ner at LEA Part­ners, adds: “Now that AI has been concep­tua­li­zed, it’s time for the trans­for­ma­tion. Anyone looking for ROIs in AI appli­ca­ti­ons will find them at pare­tos.” The inter­na­tio­nal market rese­arch insti­tute Gart­ner has singled out pare­tos as one of nine repre­sen­ta­tive Euro­pean decis­ion intel­li­gence provi­ders (out of 30 world­wide). The AI-based plat­form from pare­tos is alre­ady support­ing market leaders such as HelloFresh, the Otto Group, Faller Pack­a­ging, ARMEDANGELS and EDEKA with decis­­ion-making in busi­­ness-criti­­cal proces­ses. About pare­tos

pare­tos is the leading AI-based decis­ion intel­li­gence plat­form for data-driven decis­­ion-making proces­ses. It enables compa­nies to quickly and relia­bly analyze complex data, gene­rate opti­mi­zed fore­casts and decis­ion propo­sals and derive measu­res — thanks to a clear no-code user inter­face and simple inte­gra­tion solu­ti­ons, even without any previous data science know­ledge. pare­tos was foun­ded in mid-2020 by Fabian Rang (CTO; machine lear­ning and mathe­ma­tics expert) and Thors­ten Heilig (CEO; digi­tal entre­pre­neur, former COO moovel / REACH NOW). The vision: Anyone can make good decis­i­ons at any time. Using the latest deep lear­ning and machine lear­ning methods, the Heidel­­berg-based start-up helps compa­nies to make the most of their busi­ness poten­tial. About UVC Partners

UVC Part­ners is an early-stage venture capi­tal firm based in Munich and Berlin that invests in Euro­pean B2B start-ups in the fields of enter­prise soft­ware, arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, deep tech, climate tech and mobi­lity. With more than €600 million in assets under manage­ment, the fund typi­cally invests between €1 million and €10 million initi­ally and up to €30 million in total per company. 

UVC Part­ners’ invest­ments include Flix, Isar Aero­space, planqc, Proxima Fusion, Reverion, Tacto, TWAICE, Deep­Drive and STABL. The port­fo­lio compa­nies bene­fit from the team’s exten­sive invest­ment and exit expe­ri­ence as well as from the close colla­bo­ra­tion with Unter­neh­mer­TUM, Europe’s leading center for inno­va­tion and entre­pre­neur­ship, in parti­cu­lar to acce­le­rate market entry.

About Acton Capital

Acton Capi­tal is an inter­na­tio­nal venture capi­tal firm based in Munich and Vancou­ver. Since 1999, the team has been inves­t­ing in tech­­no­­logy-based busi­ness models from Europe and North America. With more than two deca­des of expe­ri­ence and a deep under­stan­ding of digi­tal trans­for­ma­tion, Acton­Ca­pi­tal has helped over 100 start­ups build successful busi­nesses, inclu­ding global market leaders such as Alpha­Sights, Clio, Home­ToGo and Mambu.

About LEA Partners

LEA Part­ners supports foun­ders and manage­ment teams of B2B tech compa­nies at various stages of deve­lo­p­ment as an entre­pre­neu­rial equity part­ner and helps them to grow and achieve a leading market posi­tion. In addi­tion to deep-tech invest­ments such as Aleph Alpha or SmartS­teel Tech­no­lo­gies, market leaders such as sevDesk and Flip are also part of the LEAVC port­fo­lio.


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