Photo: Tech Entrepreneur Lukasz Gadowski

Flick Gocke Schaumburg advises on Enpal financing round

Cate­gory: Venture Capi­tal
Photo: Tech Entre­pre­neur Lukasz Gadowski
25. Novem­ber 2020

Within a short period of time, Enpal mana­ged to close two rounds of finan­cing with Zalando foun­ders Robert Gentz, David Schnei­der and Rubin Ritter, as well as with Prince­ville Climate Tech­no­logy, an invest­ment fund backed and finan­ced by actor and envi­ron­men­tal acti­vist Leonardo DiCa­prio. Flick Gocke Schaum­burg advi­sed tech entre­pre­neur Lukasz Gadow­ski (photo) on various rounds of finan­cing for Berlin-based solar start-up Enpal.

Lukasz Gadow­ski hims­elf and Alex­an­der Samwer’s fund Picus Capi­tal, which also has a stake in Enpal, had inves­ted in previous finan­cing rounds. On this occa­sion, Flick Gocke Schaum­burg also alre­ady stood along­side Lukasz Gadowski.

Enpal now has 400 employees and offers solar systems for rent. Homeow­ners can obtain green power modu­les more cost-effec­­tively through the rental model than is possi­ble through purchase. At the end of the lease term, tenants can purchase the modules.

Advi­sor Lukasz Gadow­ski: Flick Gocke Schaum­burg (Berlin)
Mathias Bülow (lead); Asso­ciate: Justus Bode (both Private Equity/Venture Capital)

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