
Global Savings Group (GSG) and Pepper join forces

Cate­gory: Deals
8. Decem­ber 2022

Munich, Germany — Global Savings Group (GSG) and (Pepper) have signed an agree­ment to unite the world’s largest shop­ping commu­nity with Europe’s leading shop­ping recom­men­da­ti­ons and shop­ping rewards company. The tran­sac­tion repres­ents the largest deal in the indus­try in 2022 and crea­tes a Euro­pean cham­pion with a global presence.

Toge­ther, GSG and Pepper will form a multi­na­tio­nal tech­no­logy company that will empower shop­pers in more than 20 markets to make better purcha­sing decis­i­ons. GSG and Pepper will jointly operate the world’s largest shop­ping commu­nity, shop­ping refer­ral and rewards plat­form, connec­ting brands and retail­ers with consu­mers on more than 2 billion shop­ping trips annually.

“We are very exci­ted about this land­mark deal, which streng­thens our leading posi­tion in Europe. Toge­ther with Pepper, we will play an even more signi­fi­cant role in the daily lives of consu­mers and trans­form and shape the future of our indus­try by crea­ting a unique, impactful and even more compre­hen­sive port­fo­lio of shop­ping solu­ti­ons with tremen­dous reach and bene­fits for consu­mers, brands, retail­ers and media compa­nies. Toge­ther we will expand our trans­for­ma­tive influence and drive GSG’s growth,” says Dr. Gerhard Traut­mann, CEO of GSG.

“Our main focus has always been to provide our commu­ni­ties with the best and most compre­hen­sive shop­ping solu­ti­ons to save money. Our colla­bo­ra­tion with GSG will greatly acce­le­rate this process by enab­ling us to broa­den our offe­ring. Toge­ther, we have more than 20 years of expe­ri­ence in helping people make better buying decis­i­ons, and toge­ther we will provide even more rewar­ding shop­ping expe­ri­en­ces. Our loyal custo­mers and many more will bene­fit from our combi­ned content and tech­no­lo­gies,” comm­ents Fabian Spiel­ber­ger, CEO of Pepper.

GSG and Pepper are both market leaders in their fields and have expan­ded their shop­ping solu­ti­ons through stra­te­gic acqui­si­ti­ons and orga­nic growth. Follo­wing the acqui­si­tion of UK loyalty specia­list Pouch in 2018, GSG acqui­red iGraal and Shoop, the leading French and German cash­back provi­ders, in 2020 and 2021 respec­tively, and most recently the brand and domain in the US. Pepper has always shared GSG’s goal of conso­li­da­ting the industry’s fast-growing market and has been expan­ding inter­na­tio­nally since 2014. Today, Pepper opera­tes market-leading social commerce plat­forms such as Dealabs, hotuk­de­als and myde­alz. Toge­ther, GSG and Pepper plan to deve­lop and deploy addi­tio­nal tech­no­lo­gies to build the leading plat­form for purcha­sing solu­ti­ons and services and to conti­nuously drive future growth in current and new markets and categories.

About GSG
GSG is Europe’s leading shop­ping rewards company with an inter­na­tio­nal presence in more than 20 markets. The company’s goal is to provide consu­mers with access to the best savings oppor­tu­ni­ties, cash­back, deals, product inspi­ra­tion, reviews, ther­eby enab­ling them to make opti­mal buying decis­i­ons. Foun­ded in 2012, GSG is head­quar­te­red in Munich, Germany, and employs more than 700 people in 12 offices around the world.

About Pepper is the world’s largest shop­ping commu­nity. From its head­quar­ters in Berlin and offices in Guad­a­la­jara, London, Lyon and Winni­peg, Pepper Media Holding opera­tes market-leading social commerce plat­forms such as Dealabs, hotuk­de­als and myde­alz, which are used by 25 million consu­mers each month and influence 12,000 purchase decis­i­ons per minute. The company was foun­ded in 2014 by Fabian Spiel­ber­ger and Paul Nikkel.

Advi­sor Global Savings Group: McDer­mott Will & Emery, Munich
Dr. Phil­ipp Schäuble (lead, employ­ment law), Dr. Gero Burwitz (tax law), Jilali Maazouz (employ­ment law, Paris); asso­cia­tes: Fran­ziska Leub­ner (employ­ment law), Anne-Lorraine Méreaux (employ­ment law, Paris)

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