
HomeToGo acquires CASAMUNDO from @Leisure Group

Cate­gory: Deals
2. Octo­ber 2018

Berlin — Home­ToGo, the world’s largest search engine for vaca­tion rentals, has acqui­red CASAMUNDO GmbH for an undis­c­lo­sed sum from the @Leisure Group, a leading opera­tor of online rental portals for vaca­tion proper­ties in Europe, in which Axel Sprin­ger holds a majo­rity stake. Vogel Heerma Waitz advi­sed its long-stan­­ding client Home­ToGo on this transaction.

The company CASAMUNDO, which employs more than 100 people in Hamburg, remains an important sales part­ner for the brands of the @Leisure Group such as Belvilla, DanCen­ter and Danland. The website of CASAMUNDO offers over 700,000 vaca­tion accom­mo­da­ti­ons worldwide.

Tobias Wann, CEO @Leisure Group: “The focus of our stra­tegy is the further deve­lo­p­ment of our full-service offe­rings such as Belvilla and Dan Center as well as our self-service offe­ring Dream Holi­day Apart­ments. The sale of CASAMUNDO is ther­e­fore a logi­cal step. We believe that CASAMUNDO has found an excel­lent new owner in Home­ToGo for the further expan­sion of its market presence and the @Leisure Group has found an excel­lent distri­bu­tion part­ner at the same time.”

CASAMUNDO opera­tes an online portal for the procu­re­ment of vaca­tion homes and apart­ments. Home­ToGo is the world’s largest search engine for vaca­tion rentals. The coope­ra­tion is inten­ded to further improve the search for vaca­tion accommodation.

About @Leisure Group
The @Leisure Group is one of the leading opera­tors of online vaca­tion accom­mo­da­tion portals in Europe. The Amster­­dam-based group of compa­nies includes full-service provi­ders such as Belvilla, Dancen­ter and Danland, with which it hand­les the entire rental process for property owners. In addi­tion, the online booking plat­form Traum-Feri­en­­woh­nun­­gen also belongs to the company. The goal of @Leisure Group is to create happy and unfor­gettable memo­ries for guests, owners and part­ners. Since Janu­ary 2015, the @Leisure Group is part of Axel Sprin­ger SE, the leading digi­tal publisher in Europe.

Advi­sors to Home­toGo: Vogel Heerma Waitz
Dr. Jan Heerma (Part­ner) , Dr. Clemens Waitz (Part­ner), Olga Balan­­dina-Luke (Part­ner), Claas Hohl­we­ger (Asso­ciate), Dr. Simon Pfef­ferle (Asso­ciate), Anika Lepage (Asso­ciate), Linus Korherr (Asso­ciate), Anne Leßner (Asso­ciate)

About Vogel Heerma Waitz
Vogel Heerma Waitz is a Berlin-based law firm specia­li­zing in growth capi­tal, tech­no­logy and media that has been in opera­tion since May 2014 and can draw on a total of over 50 years of expe­ri­ence of its now five part­ners in connec­tion with growth capi­tal financings.

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