Mobility: DB invests in US start-ups Ridecell and GoKid
Frankfurt a. m. — DB Digital Ventures, through which Deutsche Bahn promotes new digital business models, is investing in two young U.S. companies. With Ridecell and GoKid, DB is focusing on innovative technologies and two offerings that meaningfully complement the core rail business and could play a decisive role in the mobility market in the future.
“Deutsche Bahn was the startup of the first industrial revolution. Today, we are bringing startups on board to expand our technology expertise and develop connected, customized offerings for our customers in the Mobility 4.0 era,” said Prof. Sabina Jeschke, DB Board Member for Digitalization and Technology.
GoKid brings children safely to school
New York-based startup GoKid makes life easier for parents. The company operates a carpooling platform that gets children to school, sports, or other recreational activities with each other safely and on time. GoKid has already organized more than 100,000 trips, primarily in the USA. Parents save time and money and protect the environment because trips are shared and bundled. “We want to support DB’s commitment to new forms of mobility with our carpools for schoolchildren” explains Dr. Stefanie Lemcke, CEO GoKid.
Ridecell is the world’s leading provider of carsharing and ridesharing platforms, as well as for controlling autonomous fleets
Founded in 2009 and based in San Francisco, Ridecell has developed smart software for car sharing, carpooling and autonomous fleet management operations. Over 20 million rides have already been arranged via the Ridecell platform. “With our end-to-end integration, mobility companies and cities can quickly launch and expand their own car and ridesharing services in the market and increase their utilization” says Aarjav Trivedi, CEO Ridecell. With Ridecell, DB sees the potential to offer all forms of use for vehicle fleets united on one platform — car sharing, ridesharing and on-demand services, including autonomous vehicles. This would allow trips to be even more targeted to meet customer needs.
DB Digital Ventures will provide around €100 million in venture capital by 2019 to work with startups to promote innovations and disruptive business models in mobility and logistics that will benefit DB customers in the long term.