Photo: Holger Follmann, the founder and initiator of the Futury Capital Fund (© Holger Follmann)

Seed funding for GovTech startup Eduneon

Photo: Holger Foll­mann, the foun­der and initia­tor of the Futury Capi­tal Fund (© Holger Follmann)
14. Janu­ary 2025

Wies­ba­den — BMH Betei­­li­­gungs-Mana­ge­­men­t­­ge­­sel­l­­schaft Hessen mbH has inves­ted in Eduneon with the Hessen Kapi­tal I fund toge­ther with the RAG-Stif­­tung and lead inves­tor Futury Capi­tal. The Berlin-based start-up offers an all-in-one soft­ware solu­tion for all public admi­nis­tra­tion proces­ses as well as for the plan­ning and procu­re­ment of digi­tal equip­ment and school faci­li­ties. Eduneon intends to use the fresh capi­tal to further deve­lop its digi­tal solu­ti­ons, streng­then its team and expand into new markets. Eduneon GmbH was foun­ded in 2022 and has since estab­lished itself as a service provi­der for modern plan­ning and procu­re­ment in muni­ci­pal and district admi­nis­tra­ti­ons. With its inno­va­tive soft­ware solu­tion, the start-up has so far helped schools and school autho­ri­ties in parti­cu­lar with sustainable plan­ning, mapping the key plan­ning and procu­re­ment proces­ses of public admi­nis­tra­tion. In a market where admi­nis­tra­tive work is often still domi­na­ted by Excel and isola­ted solu­ti­ons for sub-proces­­ses, Eduneon inte­gra­tes and auto­ma­tes process manage­ment and thus supports the digi­ta­liza­tion of public school admi­nis­tra­tion. The soft­ware also helps to avoid the risk of bad invest­ments and deploy resour­ces in a targe­ted manner. Nume­rous school autho­ri­ties have alre­ady relied on Eduneon since its market launch in 2023, inclu­ding cities such as Offen­bach am Main, the Hansea­tic city of Lübeck, Wolfs­burg and Solin­gen as well as the Darm­­­stadt-Dieburg district and the districts of Pader­born and Osthol­stein. Growth and expan­sion in the DACH region

Eduneon intends to use the new funding to grow further and expand its plat­form with AI appli­ca­ti­ons, among other things. The team is to be further streng­the­ned in the areas of deve­lo­p­ment, sales and custo­mer success and the market posi­tion in Germany is to be expan­ded. At the same time, Eduneon intends to drive forward its expan­sion into neigh­bor­ing markets and the DACH region. Clemens Grol­man, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Eduneon, explains: “We have deve­lo­ped a solu­tion that enables admi­nis­tra­ti­ons to main­tain an over­view in times of tight budgets and staff shorta­ges and to ensure the best possi­ble equip­ment for public insti­tu­ti­ons within the available resour­ces. We have laid the foun­da­tion with educa­tion admi­nis­tra­tion. Howe­ver, our fully inte­gra­ted plat­form for plan­ning and procu­re­ment can be used in a variety of ways: it covers all muni­ci­pal depart­ments, from muni­ci­pal admi­nis­tra­ti­ons to the police and daycare centers. We are also working on inte­gra­ted solu­ti­ons for state admi­nis­tra­ti­ons, data centers and solu­tion provi­ders.” Benja­min Krah­mer, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Futury Capi­tal, says: “Eduneon has impres­si­vely demons­tra­ted how great the need and demand is among public admi­nis­tra­ti­ons. The company has the poten­tial to perma­nently change the plan­ning and procu­re­ment proces­ses in the public sector. Eduneon’s inno­va­tive strength can signi­fi­cantly drive digi­tal change in public admi­nis­tra­tion.” David Schäff­ler from BMH adds: “We are convin­ced of Eduneon’s busi­ness model and the resul­ting growth oppor­tu­ni­ties, not least because the company was able to win over 30 local autho­ri­ties in five fede­ral states with its inno­va­tive soft­ware solu­tion after just a short time. 

We look forward to support­ing Eduneon on its contin­ued path to success.” About Futury Capital

Futury Capi­tal, based in Frank­furt, is a leading venture capi­tal firm specia­li­zing in early-stage and growth invest­ments in tech­­no­­logy-driven companies.
More infor­ma­tion can be found here: About the RAG-Stiftung

The private-law RAG-Stif­­tung was estab­lished in 2007. Since the begin­ning of 2019, it has been respon­si­ble for finan­cing the so-called perpe­tual obli­ga­ti­ons of the German coal mining indus­try in the Ruhr, Saar and Ibben­bü­ren regi­ons. With nume­rous projects in the fields of educa­tion, science and culture, the foun­da­tion also sends out posi­tive signals in the former mining regions.
Further infor­ma­tion on the RAG-Stif­­tung can be found at About BMH

BMH Betei­­li­­gungs-Mana­ge­­men­t­­ge­­sel­l­­schaft Hessen mbH, based in Wies­ba­den, was foun­ded in 2001 and is a wholly owned subsi­diary of Landes­bank Hessen-Thürin­­gen Giro­zen­trale (Helaba).

Through Wirt­­schafts- und Infra­struk­tur­bank Hessen (WIBank), BMH is actively invol­ved in the econo­mic deve­lo­p­ment acti­vi­ties of the State of Hesse. As a medium-sized invest­ment and venture capi­tal company, BMH bund­les public invest­ment inte­rests and finan­cing instru­ments for early-stage, growth and medium-sized compa­nies in Hesse. BMH curr­ently mana­ges six invest­ment funds with a volume of over 200 million euros. Since its foun­da­tion, BMH has inves­ted in more than 500 compa­nies. Invest­ment focus areas include the software/analytics, fintech/insuretech, life science, deep tech, IoT/industrial tech, hardware/industrial goods and clean­tech sectors.

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